Profile of Chumanii: Quick Facts
Played By: Not specified
Basic Info
Full Name: Chumanii Wahpetonwan Nickname: Ani Honor Name: Wáȟwala Tȟaté
Subspecies: Mixed (50% Arctic, 50% Timber)
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Gender: Cisgender Female
Pronouns: She/Her/Hers
Age: 2.5 (01/03/2019)
Birthplace: Wahpetonwan (northern Mississippi) Iháŋkthuŋwaŋ: n/a
At a Glance
[Image: tumblr_mk6nya7L5V1rt44mxo1_500.gifv]
Profile of Chumanii: Details
[Image: 78e0815cba528f37924d048ff411db6c.jpg]

Lissome and rangy with a plush coat of ivory. Guarded eyes the color of pale amaranth. Three deep furrows rake across the left side of her face, leaving her beauty half in ruin. Unintentionally stealthy and light of step, a woodlander despite her winter finery -- perfumed in an earthy aroma of loam, moss, pine.

we have wilderness hearts,
Once, a free-spirited and energetic girl full of youth. Following the turn of events surrounding her dispersal from home and the subsequent year spent in near isolation, the dewdrop has matured and grown somber through her trials in the wilderness.

we get restless with the moon,
Her mother took a foreigner from the north during her season on a hormonal whim and the pale girl she bore three moons later was a visible reminder to all of her indiscretion. Their relationship was strained as Chumanii grew, the child scorned by their clan for her bastard status and different coloration.

In the months following her daughter's first birthday, Anpona perished from a rattling cough -- leaving the girl alone, even amongst her own people. The young spiritualist spoke with the ancestors and meditated, hoping vision quests might provide the answers she so desperately sought. She determined to stay and work to impress the elders of the tribe, until the day came that they could overlook her conception and white fur.

But when a young Brave began pursuing her affections, his perseverance eventually tending towards aggression and possession, the woman became increasingly uncomfortable. Feeling unsafe in the only home she had ever known, she provoked the elders when they refused to grant their blessing for Chumanii to depart from the tribe. Stripped of her clan name and branded with the mark of a traitor, the girl was cast out -- bound for the west, deciding to simply follow the horizon to the place where the sun rises.

we're meant to live in wild opens,
Mother: Anpona Wahpetonwan
Pack History
Wicin, Phejúta Winyela

Profile of Chumanii: Additional Information
Registered on June 07, 2021, last visited July 09, 2021, 09:26 PM

Name Meanings
Chumanii - 'dew drop'
Wáȟwala Tȟaté - 'gentle whisper'

Secret Name
Nawaji - 'stands firm'

Spirit Name
Tiwaka - 'holy lodge woman'

- Secret names and spirit names are known only by the individual and the tribe's spiritualist leader. They are indicative of one's hidden nature and one's spirit, respectively.
- Chumanii and her culture are inspired heavily by Sioux culture though this is not intended to be misconstrued as appropriation or meant to be offensive in the slightest. If anything about this toon does bother anyone, I apologise in advance and ask that you send me a PM to discuss.
Art Credits
Chumanii's Signature
and run free under starlight.
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