Profile of Arashi: Quick Facts
Played By: Heretic
Basic Info
Full Name: Arashi
Subspecies: Canis lupus occidentalis
Size: Gigantic, Stocky
Sex: Male
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 4.5 (06/15/2019)
Birthplace: Tanana Valley, Alaska (Outside of Teekon)
Tongues: Japanese, Common
Voice: ?
Theme (thread titles): Tantrum, (Ashnikko)
Profile of Arashi: Details
A massive, agouti male with deep amber hues.

"Call me what you will... but I will never change."

. . .

"When will you get it through your deranged head! I said no, dammit!"

. . .

"We are not equals, so do not say it is so."

. . .

Brother to Tsunari; though, the two have been distant for quite some time.

Was once married to Fury before being abandoned and betrayed after she took her own life, supposedly to save his own. From this woman (traitor), he adopted several children, Panacea, Elias, and Credence — but he only ever associated himself with Sovereign. Since the death of the child's mother, they too have been distant.

Following the betrayal of his former wife, he reunited with an old friend and student, Alduin. The two traveled for a while, before again, he was abandoned.

Left alone, he now walks the wilds, unsure of what else life has left to throw at him.

Pack History

NITSURAGI CLAN (Clan of origin)
LONER (01.29.22 — 02.01.22)
THE SAINTS (02.01.22 — 02.07.22)
‣ Pledge
LONER (02.07.22)
BLACKWATER (02.07.22 — 02.20.22)
‣ Acolyte
HILDIBRANDR (02.20.22 — 01.14.23)
‣ Pledge → Jarl → Jotunn
THE FORSAKEN (01.15.23 — 01.27.23)
‣ Pledge
LONER (01.27.23 — present)

Profile of Arashi: Additional Information
Registered on January 28, 2022, last visited May 30, 2024, 12:25 PM

Trade Progress

General Trade: Obtained
Guardian: In Progress
Tactician: In Progress
Warrior: In Progress
Master Guardian: In Progress
Master Tactician: In Progress
Master Warrior: In Progress

General Trade: Obtained
Ambassador: In Progress
Ranger: In Progress
Master Ambassador: In Progress
Master Ranger: In Progress
General Trade: In Progress
Advisor: In Progress
Master Advisor: In Progress

Art Credits
Malia <3
Arashi's Signature

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