Profile of Caelia: Quick Facts
Played By: Aislin
Basic Info
Full Name: Caelia
Subspecies: Gray Wolf
Size: Medium, Athletic
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 1.5 Years Old (August 15th, 2021)
Birthplace: Yellowstone
At a Glance
Caelia has a certain stride to her that speaks of being cautious, guarded, but confident. She was betrayed in the past, so her body language shows a lack of trusting others until they earn it. Caelia uses her eyes to read someone. They often move in the beginning of a conversation before staring deep into the eyes of the other, attempting to read their soul.
Profile of Caelia: Details
Caelia was the largest pup born in the litter. Compared to everyone else, she's about average. With long legs and a large chest, you would think that she's a good runner. In fact, Caelia is built to be a ranger capable of traveling long distances and fighting enemies should the need call for it. In no way is she built like a tank, but Caelia can hold her own in a fight.

Caelia's coat starts out being black for the base color. Around the hips, shoulders, and chest area, there are patches of red and brown colors that blend in. Around her scruff and the back of her neck, the red is more prominent and brightly colored, even in the wintertime when her coat gets thick. The scruff was also unusually thicker than other areas of her body, but she figured that was normal. Caelia's long tail maintains much more black color than the rest of her body, remaining thick and bushy no matter the season.

One significant note on her body is a large scar on her left shoulder in a rather rough X shape. Caelia received the scar as a result of standing up for what she believed in, and who, and became an outcast to her home pack. The scar covers most of her left shoulder blade and remains without fur. Eventually, the scar will be covered by a small amount of fur as she ages, but only time will tell.

Lastly, Caelia's eyes are golden yellow, like honeycomb. Toward the center, the color turns darker like amber honey before brightening up toward the outer edges. In the sunshine, the color becomes rich and deep. To Caelia, there's nothing special about her eyes since most other wolves all have the same color as her.
--- To be added on to as Caelia ages. ---

-One Year Old-

Caelia is guarded, and rightly so. A history of betrayal and injustice has turned this once heartwarming and kind soul into something full of caution and mistrust. While that isn't to say Caelia is always distant, she remains cautious until she warms up to others. Caelia isn't soft spoken and lacks a filter. These days, she calls situations and others how she sees them, and doesn't beat around the bush. It doesn't do well to fabricate or tell white lies anymore.

Caelia hardly laughs, though a part of her urges to relax a bit. Even smiling is difficult. Her more curious side always comes out, so if she has something that engages her mind, more of her true self tends to leak out a bit and her guard lowers. Caelia desperately wants to trust someone, for her life to go back to some sort of normal. She wants friends and family again, and to not be called a traitor and an enemy.

However, she also wants her beliefs and perspective stood up for, to be defended as the kind of individual she is, and not to be cast down and blacklisted just because she has an opinion. Caelia is a passionate soul, willing to see the good in the bad, and standing up for innocence and justice when the need calls for it. Hardly thinking about the consequences for what she believes is right, Caelia will risk it all if it means justice is served.
Caelia was born in a rather draconic run pack, which should have been red flags anyway. It was every wolf for one, serving the needs and orders of the pack alpha regardless of how one suffered. The mission was always critical, and failure wasn't an option. Her parents taught Caelia to be self-sufficient, observant, but silent when it came to pack matters. In the early days, Caelia had a voice and was not afraid to use it - even if it meant she got in trouble for it.

It only took one mission's failure to blacklist her from the pack, and any future interactions with family. The mission was simple; raid a pack's cache without being caught or followed and kill your pursuers if necessary. Of course, a couple of elite members were sent to oversee the mission, but there were some new pack members also, and Caelia since she was of age to be of use, even if she was only nine months old. The earlier they were trained, the earlier they could follow orders with no questions asked. In Caelia's opinion,

The mission was going well at first. One of the older pack members made a mistake, however. An elderly wolf stood out in the open to act as a guard and failed to alert the others of the opposing pack. As a result, the alpha's son was killed when a fight ensured. However - it was not to the fault of everyone else. While the unit was making a getaway, the alpha's son stayed to fight against the elite commander's orders.

Back at the pack, the alpha was punishing the unit as a result of the mission failing. The primary focus was on one of the elderly pack members who probably should not have been sent out in the first place. As the wolf was nearly beaten to death, Caelia stood up against the punishment and said how wrong it was to have sent the elderly wolf out, as well as condemning the acts of the alpha's son, citing that the son should have followed orders and fled with the rest of the unit. To everyone's shock, Caelia said that because of a failure in determining the capabilities of the unit, it resulted in mission failure.

The alpha, who did not take insubordination well, marked on Caelia's shoulder the mark of a traitor and cast her out. So as not to not reproduce future traitors, the alpha ordered the family to be killed along with the elderly wolf she defended. After that, she was cast out into the wild to fend for herself. Deciding that traveling as far from Yellowstone as she possibly could, Caelia wished to forget her past -- even with it marked on her shoulder -- to start new. Ultimately, the series of events in her pack life would mark her mentally for quite some time, changing who she was, and who she would be in the future.
Mother and Father: Aislin and Dakota
Siblings: Shyre (f), Ashton (m), Ryder (m), Lily (f)
Pack History
November 2021: Loner
Profile of Caelia: Additional Information
Registered on February 08, 2022, last visited February 08, 2022, 04:26 PM
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