Profile of Stormcloud: Quick Facts
Played By: Fireblaze
Basic Info
Full Name: Stormcloud Ash
Subspecies: Northern Rocky/ Mackenzie Valley/ Arctic wolf
Sex: Female
Age: 3 February 1, 2011 (February 1, 2008)
Birthplace: Underground, in a cavern
At a Glance
A stormy grey she wolf, with white stripes down her back, and sharp green eyes. Her right flank has a nasty scar, from a bear attack.
Profile of Stormcloud: Details
Stormcloud is an almost purely grey she-wolf, with white stripes down her back, kind of like a tiger. Her eyes are an electric green, with flecks of gold in them. Her side bears a furless scar, from a bear, and on one foot, she is missing a claw. Her nose is pink-ish, with a black spot in the center.
Stormcloud is a fiercely loyal, protective she-wolf. She will defend family or packmates with her life. If threatened, she will most likely immediately retaliate. Her personality is more on the nice side when with friends or family, though
As a young pup, Stormcloud's mother died giving birth, along with her three siblings. Her father abandoned her, leaving her by herself. Eventually, another she-wolf found her, on the brink of death. This she-wolf had two other pups, about Stormcloud's age. She was raised with the other wolf pups, Fire and Ice, and their mother, Light. Soon, Stormcloud went to look for a family of her own, searching and searching, hoping one day to find a pack that suited her.
Pack History
SunSpire: First Mu 7/17/14
Profile of Stormcloud: Additional Information
Registered on July 16, 2014, last visited July 24, 2014, 06:41 AM
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