Haunted Wood Muddy Waters
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
spar for @Serem

The General made her way through the territory although her thoughts weren't strictly drawn to the borders or those who tested them. Instead, the members of the Nightwalkers plagued her thoughts. At this time most of the founding members had climbed to higher ranks or left with a surplus of grunts now arriving thanks to the harsh conditions of winter. Only a few seemed to make a large impression to her, Vanity and Serem mainly.

It was no surprise that they took some of the higher ranks, she had spared with both before and each had potential, not that she was an expert herself. It was more or less luck no one challenged for her position. She was aware of the thirst each new member had for power, but for her it was survival. Appear tough and keep your head out of bullshit...perhaps she should start befriending the women though. Should a power struggle arise, followers would be helpful...perhaps even useful sparing partners.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The dark woman was a bit standoffish as of late choosing to stay away from the other females of the pack and kept her guard of the pit. She knew soon her sister would be well enough to escape and then the hunt would begin. But for now she let it be and did patrols or simply went for hunts. 

During her patrol; the brighter pelt of Alison came into view. She gave a low chuff to announce her presence. "Hey, up for a spar?" She asked going straight to the point.
”Common” "Spanish"
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
40/40 health for each rolled a 6

It did not take long for her thoughts to conjure one of the women. She would have been surprised if it was not so common amongst the Nightwalkers. When Serem asked for a spar she almost couldn't contain the smile that dared creep upon her maw. Funny, I was just thinking about you. I like how straight to the point you are.

Alison turned to face her opponent, she was the one who had been requested so surely the woman would be ready. She looked to the Consort's stance before darting forward, her aim on the woman's hind leg instead of her front which stood closer. She wanted to gain a nice foothold while she still could and her spars with Vengeance had taught her that the straight-on approach wasn't very nice to her.

serem 34/40
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
rolled a 12
It seemed that they were both thinking the same thing and The woman was quick to lounge forward and expecting her to go towards her front legs, serem was surprised when she went towards her back legs and the dark woman was quick to jump forward and attempt to dodge the hit but the woman's teeth scraped across her leg and serem turned her head to grab hold of the woman's neck.

Serem 34/40 Alison 28/30 (I think)
”Common” "Spanish"
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
rolled a 14 serem 20/40 alice 28/40

She had succeeded in surprising the dark woman, but she failed to grab the hold she wanted. Instead, teeth grazed the woman's leg and shortly after her scruff was grabbed and pulled back. Alison had to fix her footing quick, now twisting to try and yank herself free with the help of her paw on Serem's muzzle.

Once she had slipped from her grip, Alice immediately surged forward hoping to gain the advantage again, her fangs aimed just under Serem's front leg where grabbing her neck would be difficult.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Rolled an 8 Serem 20/40 Alison 20/40

Her mark was met and she successfully grabbed onto the woman's scruff until she began to twist, since this was a spar Serem was forced to let go so that no real damage was made to the general and she was quick to attack her legs this time making the hit. Serem used her other paw to try and push her off and attempted to pull her off by her ear.
”Common” "Spanish"
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
rolled a 6 serem 14/40 alice 20/40

Alas she finally made purchase on the consort's side, but her victory would be short-lived and Serem was already trying to remove her. The teeth now at her ear are what caused her to ultimately let go, but only after tugging at the woman's side. She would have liked to do some more damage there, but she was not willing to risk her ear.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Rolled a 15 Serem 14/40 Alison 5/40

The woman released her finally and she immediately backed up from her before quickly lunging at the woman looking to grab hold of her neck once more or she would settle for the shoulder, serem however was getting a bit tired but she was good not to show it.
”Common” "Spanish"
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
rolled a 1 since Alice is at 5 serem wins!

The General only had time to backpedal as Serem lunged for her throat. It was only a matter of moments before she tapped out. As much as she didn't like admitting it, she had lost this one, but that was what practice was for...so this wouldn't happen under nonfriendly terms. You've gotten better— Maybe you can show me some moves another time.
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads
683 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
The spar was over and she felt it over when the woman backed up and didn't continue the fight and she gave a simple nod of acknowledgement. "Thank you and I wouldnt mind that at all." If that was all serem would go rest but if not she was wasn't opposed to any conversation.
”Common” "Spanish"
I Am Better Than You Think
105 Posts
Ooc —
She watched as the consort turned to leave, she could use the opportunity to get to know her better now, but she chose to save that for later. They were surely both tired so she would also take her leave. One thing was certain though, her opinion of the dark woman had changed since their first meeting in the woods.

I guess Alice only respects those who best her in battle now lMAO
Thread log, played by Aso, #008080 , pawprint, Alice's Playlist 4/10* 3/5*, * = incomplete threads