Shadow Mountain drowning lessons
102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
All Welcome 
for whoever is still on/near shadow mountain w/ him - @Dirtwater Fox @Osleya @Desdemona

There were wolves in the adjacent canyon. He'd smelled them on the periphery, and occasionally heard their territorial howls. Their claim was not all that strong, but stronger than the barest of holds he had on this place—and Hex didn't care enough about this particular patch of ground to fight for it.

He did not want neighbors—especially not that close.

The yearling howled for those who had come here, regardless of whether they'd signaled their intent to stay or not. He'd happily go alone. But he owed it to anyone he'd promised a home, or at least a companion among these peaks.

Hex, she'd spat in his direction. Vespa could be as sharp and cruel as her namesake, and her parting word was no exception.

Curse; he was cursed. He'd brought the pestilence to their home and now, their world was crumbling.

They'd named him Caligula and taken him in. Fed him, sheltered him, loved him.

And what did they get in return?

Hex, she said, and Hex he was—though Agrippa spoke his former name until his last breath.

He did not deserve even that modicum of grace.
48 Posts
Ooc — Decay
pity canyon gone. she'd liked the idea of that place. it was surrounded by mountains, after all. 

but she trusted that the valley man new best.

valley man like ridge? the mountain woman wondered aloud, drawing near at his side to get a better view of this new place.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `
28 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Vague but quick post to get in!
He'd fled the aftermath of the tragedy on the mountain. It had been his instinct to help — not the pack there but the children, those helpless little souls who could do nothing to fight the tide as it carried them away. But it was not his place. They weren't his to defend.

So when all was said and done, he'd left.

Injured now, his pretty face marred by long tooth marks, Dirtwater Fox returned to the mountain. To the boy who had not wanted beautiful lies. He answered the howl in silence.

No words would pass his lips, but his intent to follow would soon become clear.
102 Posts
Ooc — mercury
Two heeded his cry—the warrior-woman and the sleek young man. He cast an eye over both of them; he hadn't seen too much of the pair since he'd met them, separately, but they had come nonetheless. Their esteem was steadily rising in his mind.

No pity, Hex told her, shaking his head. We'd be trapped down there. Mountains have the high ground.

He sighed, brow furrowing as he stared across the range. But too close, here. I don't want neighbors.

He was not a natural leader. Lanky and unkempt, he cut a poor figure against the wilderness; Osleya would be better suited to command than he. 

But he had chosen this place, and they had answered. Thus, he would choose the next peak, too.

We'll go that way, he decided, dipping his muzzle northwestward. Past the canyon. Scout—see if anyone is around. Okay? his golden gaze asked silently, shifting between the two assembled.
48 Posts
Ooc — Decay
mountains good. safe. 

but maybe she was just partial to them. they had always been where she called home.

scout, he said. 

osleya was pleased. she itched for the added travel. and a task that permitted her to explore these mountains further? none need ask her twice. 

mountain woman go. come back, two day.

she would take the time to explore, but also search for others near, just as the valley man had asked.

Common | Trigedasleng
` ` Blood must have blood. ` `