Profile of Muskrat: Quick Facts
Shadow Ridge Sentinel*
Played By: ebony
Basic Info
Full Name: muskrat
Subspecies: timber & coyote
Size: Tiny, Muscular
Sex: Female
Gender: cis female
Pronouns: she/her
Age: 2 (4.26.22)
Birthplace: turquoise rivulet
NPC Guidelines
running the mountains
Profile of Muskrat: Details
coywolf. goldburned. sunflower yellow eyes. a deliberate scar running beneath both eyes and across the bridge of her nose.
misses little. says less, if only because she cannot. shark's teeth in a fox's mouth.

born to a clan elder and a passing trader, muskrat was the youngest daughter. feral, headstrong, and much beloved, her clan was permissive with her boyish ways and lack of interest in following her mother as elder. only until her grandmother intervened was muskrat's marriage arranged. taken upriver to another clan, she broke away, running off into the forest. there, a young hunter waited, a man who could not be her husband.

they were found together by her family. he was executed, and in disgrace, muskrat was dragged home. escaping again, she ran into the mountains. her avoidance of duty cost her clan valuable hunting grounds in the broken marriage, but muskrat is defiant even as she crosses into a completely unknown world, leaving all she understood behind.

muskrat's introduction to the teekon wilds began roughly. a silver bear chases the young warrior. she broke her own ankle running from it. starvation and arrogance led her into a raid on swiftcurrent creek. she wounded mae but was captured by her father, akavir. muskrat submitted to the rank of omega and worked to earn back her honor. she took a liking to arlette but otherwise remained aloof.

an attraction to akavir develops. muskrat is humiliated by what she saw as a rejection. she is often consumed by her loss of cloud singer, becoming obsessed with it. her hatred for her family was projected onto akavir, and she rejected any bonds in the pack. she justified a full disconnection when he asked her why she stays and she shortly thereafter came into her season.

muskrat left the creek with the intention of returning without having conceived. both akavir and his brother, viinturuth, pursued her that year, infuriating the warrior. she chose then to couple with whomever she wanted, deciding to handle whatever happened thereafter. akavir returned to become one of her choices. hex was another, though she was not aware of their relationship until after their first meeting.

in the mountains she met makono also, and their affair is quick and torrid. they promise to meet one another again and muskrat returns to the creek. she institutes the use of several plants after that, waiting for makono to come back.

but she did not. it is hex who eventually came to find muskrat again, inviting her away with him. they were happened upon by akavir, who incensed muskrat again and led to her final tie-cutting with the creek.

muskrat and hex now head into the mountains, each determined to make an impression upon the land around them.
father: seven turtles
grandmother: gorseberry
mother: yellow vine
sisters: mica leaf, blue chert, & star scallop
brothers: striped snake & bird flute
Pack History
SWIFTCURRENT CREEK · omega · zeta · delta

Profile of Muskrat: Additional Information
Registered on April 26, 2024, last visited (Hidden)
Art Credits
avatar: philipp pilz of unsplash
banner: aaron burden of unsplash
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