Northstar Vale Pack Meeting || Grandis, Petit Agneau.
Montagne de Ciguë
124 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Pack Activity 
Let's see if I can get a hold on this! The first round will end Nov. 28th (earlier if everyone gets a response in) for this round please keep order to ensure everyone can join.

Preparing for a Matriarches annual travels was never easy, particularly now that the majority of her members were those who were unfamiliar with the traditions of the mother pack. There was not exactly an elegant way to say ' I'm leaving to be impregnated by a strange man ' but she would damn well try. A Matriarche was expected to produce one litter each year, and Viskani was not one to take on a mate. This is how things would be done.

Exiting her rocky den she stretched her legs, tilting her head up to let out a howl that would signal to the other's that it was time to return, to gather. Sitting herself down outside the bushes that enclosed the area where the Upper Bracket rested she waited.

The issue of Iris would need to be addressed now; and she had made up her mind on how that would be. @Chesley would not be happy, and she was unsure if @Tousaint would be pleased either - but it was time for her Petit Agneau to grow up. Tousaint would be used to teach him a lesson.

She felt little worry for her other members. @Kaaya Ayad and @Mnemosynes had adjusted beautifully to their surroundings. Pala was a natural Glaieul rarely leaving the borders, and Chaudry.. well, there was never a reason to worry about Chaudry, was there?
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Montagne de Ciguë
8 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Resting after a particularly long patrol, Pala was quick to respond to the call. Exiting her own den near the rest of the middle bracket wolves she soon joined Viskani in her howl, joining the older woman in the clearing. Being the first to the party is never fun, she was quick to realize.

Settling down a short distance away she waited, hoping that other's would be quick to arrive so as to avoid the dreaded 'small talk' that Viskani was sure to trigger. She knew that it was only polite, but what was the point?
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Tousaint would arrive to the meeting both punctual and freshly preened. Thanks to the aloe gel he’d scavenged and separated from the plant, he’d conditioned his fur and paw pads before grooming himself thoroughly so the greasy gel would not leave a residue. He crushed a sprig of sea lavender and brushed the powdered substance into his tail which he combed with long strokes of his claws.

Impressions mattered. He took even portions of his time to tend to his duties, and sacrificed only his personal time to tend to his appearance. 

He wrapped his perfumed plume neatly about his paws as he took his seat, humbly becoming a part of Viskani’s audience, alongside the smart-looking Paladé.