Blackfeather Woods cyfrifo
149 Posts
Ooc — Miryam
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[Image: JXSIu0n.jpg]
set after this thread

The prince is hot on @Moonshadow's heels, racing after her with blood in his gaze, vengeance a bubbling snarl in his throat. She will give him the answers he seeks; she will lead him to Ceara. There is no doubt that her presence here, and her scent so entwined with the forest as a whole, makes her culpable for the wrongdoing. Now he will have answers. . .and she will pay.

"I will give you one chance to stop!" Llewellyn hollers after her, though knowing his yell will summon others. No matter--he is in too deep now that it does not matter. "If you do not, I will take you down with claws and teeth." It is not an idle threat. He doesn't make those.
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
The panicked woman hurtled after the golden male, she had lost ground surely but she will outlast him. She had to. Her autumn legs were a blur of colour, it wasn't unlike churning blood, and she pushed her self to go faster before he conducted wicked misfortunes in the forest. The enraged woman would not stand for it. She slowed a fraction, just enough, to lower her nose to the ground and seek his trail. 

A wolf burst from the undergrowth before them and latched itself onto Yakone with a wild screech. He barked and twisted, shouting for her to run. She paused before launched herself at the wolf attacking her would-be mate. Together they butchered the creature, but not before he was too injured to leave with her...blood ran freely from his neck and underbelly, she had not the medical knowledge to stop it, and lowered himself to the ground with a pitiful whine of the death he could see swiftly approaching to detach his mind from the world. 

Flicker stumbled as the memory clouded her conscious. Not again; and now she had a scent to track. She pressed onwards again to hunt her quarry without so much as another thought to what had happened with the grey male and pup she'd left behind. Should she find herself on the tail Llewellyn shortly, she would call to him, "Stop being a coward and turn to face me."
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149 Posts
Ooc — Miryam
[Image: JXSIu0n.jpg]
He is not yet upon the dark woman when pawsteps a ways behind him catch his ears; they swivel to find a taunt, biting against the cool night air. A snarl rips its way through his throat, and he resists the urge to turn and face the mystery warrior--or so she presumes to be--instead continuing to chase down his quarry.

He cannot resist, though, a shot fired back.

You call me a coward? Llewellyn hollers, his voice carrying over the wind of his pursuit. Me a coward, and your pack holding innocent wolves hostage? I will be damned if I let you worms get away with this!"

But there are bigger concerns, like trapping the one who fled. She may be scared and vulnerable enough to give him the answers he seeks.
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
A warmth of her sucess arose inside her, for she had gained on her quarry with considerable effort from her behalf. The gold parting the shadows and darkness lended as a beacon. Oh would she even begin to tackle the beast she followed. His retort reached her autumn aubs and made her think, who could they be keeping here, and why have they sent these wolves to fech the mysterious captive. 

The woman opted to stay quiet, she can question him later, and kept pressing after the male, ensuring herself that she can outlast him. She could try, atleast.
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534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow was unsure of why the male followed her and saw her pack mate. But she did here what he said "I don't know anything about that!" She yelled. Moonshadow just wanted to lwave and restart her life, but it seemed that she would never be able to leave it behind completely.
149 Posts
Ooc — Miryam
[Image: JXSIu0n.jpg]
He does not believe a word of it. Treacherous snakes, the lot of these wolves. No matter how sweet the woman's voice is, he knows that evil can easily masquerade as kindness. The gilded prince lengthens his stride, eating up ground and hoping he does not stumble upon a root or fallen branch.

Llewellyn draws close enough to feel the heat of her thighs, and begins to snap his teeth at her tail, hoping to take hold. I warned you, he snarls, eyes blue fire in the darkness. He is a demon unleashed, something out of a tale of horrors, bearing down upon the shadow while, all the while, aware of his own pursuer, who is beginning to catch up.

Sooner rather than later, he will find himself caught between the two of them. Hopefully, he is able enough to hold them at bay--and get the answers he seeks.
223 Posts
Ooc — Sofie
She was getting tired, but she must not stop. Must not. Could not. The woman gave a feral snarl and launched herself upon the heels of her quarry, snapping furiously to enrage him, to get him to turn and stop running. Hopefully, the shadow he pursued would lend a hand in tackling the misfitted man.

"Give up!" She barked a cold command that gave way to no mercy. She would not be merciful, not when he so threatened her pack. Her home. Again, she lunged with another ounce of strength dragged up from her core. This time, if she made contact with his left leg she'd hold on and force him to stop; if she missed she'd keep her stride with just a small falter to show for her efforts.
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