Blacktail Deer Plateau tibia mysteries
44 Posts
Ooc — Laur
All Welcome 
Anyone welcome! Maybe @Greyfalcon if you have time? :) Set at the same time as this thread

Arrax had watched curiously as his father had rumbled a soft farewell to both he and then his siblings, before setting off into the dim light of dawn. Solveig assured her children he would return soon, and the boy didn't doubt it; their parents always returned from their excursions. What he really wanted to know was where they went.

Now old enough to roam freely around the pack's territory, Arrax had eagerly followed after Rusalka's scent as it led to the borders.

Nose to the ground, he weaved a path through the trees, occasionally distracted by the odd prey trail, though always returned to the task at hand. There was a grim look of determination in his gaze, his long gangling legs eating up ground that would soon take him to the very edge of the Plateau should no-one intercept his mission.
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Aw, sure thing! I’ve got some time on my hands. :)

She herself, had to stop and take a well earned break from inland patrol. Now she headed out towards the borders of the pack, a very important place to guard to ensure that her pack family was safe, especially with their king gone temporarily on kingly business.

She arrived at the borders following the scent trail of Arrax, Rusalka and Solveigs son. One of two children he was likely the oldest, and this showed in not only how he acts, but how he carries himself as well. A proud little guy.

She saw him wandering nearer to the pack’s edge, this had not gone unnoticed to her trained eyes. “Be careful young one,” she said, a cautious but hopefully welcome warning, “these cliffs are high.”

She approached him eagerly, “Hello Arrax, are you well? Enjoying the open space?”
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
44 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Unaware he had a shadow, the boy pressed onwards until he found he could go no further. A steep cliff barred his way, the grassy upwards slope he had been climbing stopping abruptly to give way to a dramatic drop. Before him, the lands beyond stretched out almost infinitely. He peered at the distant mountains, before turning to survey the ocean to the northwest, nose working overtime as he puzzled over the many scents that the winds atop the Plateau brought to him.

A dark ear turned back as the stern but soft voice of another spoke, and he offered a wave of his tail in response before turning to glance at the woman. He recognised her as a fellow pack mate, not quite his mother but she had been just as involved in their short lives so far.

Her warning was not dismissed by the boy, but if he took it on board at all, he did not show it. Instead he gave a nod to her question, turning to the sprawling lands again as a breeze picked up. "Big," he stated simply, as if Greyfalcon also hadn't known how far their home stretched.

He leaned forward a little, trying to pick out his father's scent from the wind. "Where he go?" he then asked, assuming she'd know it was their Konungr he was talking about.
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
Im sorry I didn’t see a reply, life grabbed a hold of me. I am here now :)
He continued on till he stopped. Short of the edge, face pointing northwest clearly seeking his father among the large terrain, he spoke. She answered, “Yes, it is quite big.” He clearly understood her warning, yet showed no fear of the edge. A brave child.

He had asked where his father had went, she sighed, thinking about her answer, “he is off on business, he might be marking the borders or bringing back food.” She rarely knew of his dealings as king, but she assumed all were just as equally important in their own ways.

“Why do you seek him? Are you bored?”  If this were the case then she would offer him to play, or practice raw skill.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
44 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Not a problem at all! Life is first priority <3

He shivered a little as the breeze ruffled his fur, cutting through the thin layer. He had yet to develop thicker guard hairs to protect his skin from the wind, yet he wasn't ready to back off the cliff edge just yet, and also wasn't about to admit to Greyfalcon that he was cold up here. So he stood, paws planted firmly, looking out over the valley as the woman spoke.

Food. Well, that made sense. Rusalka was often the one to bring them offerings of meat now that they weren't solely reliant on their mother's milk anymore.

Her question had the boy frown in thought for a moment, before he looked to her. "Wanna go as well," he replied, his tone was even but he couldn't help but let a small whine slip out, feeling slightly betrayed their father dared go out without him!
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie

She watched him continue to stare into the valley, it was clear he had the urge of adventure. Wanderlust which she had many a times in the past fallen victim to. It was a tad chilly up here when a breeze kicked up, though she didn’t mind. This rarely bothered her since she was raised in a freezing cold area, she knew no different.

Was he cold? She may have caught a sense of a slight shiver, though she would not bring it up. He had a young pride and showed it, standing with his paws planted firmly, appearing unfazed.

He looked up at her, a whine slipping out of his voice, “wanna go as well….” Those were his words to her, she understood them. She looked back at him, as if to say, “I know, I know.” She spoke, “he will return, soon enough you should be able to join him. You are strong, and he will teach you well, in time.” 

Since this was the case she would have gladly taken the boy in stride near the plateau herself, though not without the father’s permission. It was not her place.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
44 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Their eyes met, and she looked at him with sympathy in her soft, hazel eyes before speaking. It took a few moments for him to parse the words but he understood well enough. Return soon. That was a given; he always did. Arrax wanted to go with him!

The boy only huffed in response, displeased despite Greyfalcon's reassuring words. He stared out again at the lands beyond in silence for a few beats more before looking back up to her with a hopeful wave of his tail.

"You go...and...I go with?" he questioned, stuttering slightly on his words as he tried to figure out how to phrase his request. Did she out on business often? Maybe she would take him!
106 Posts
Ooc — C.C/Annie
@Arrax, Wanna wrap this up? :) then once I get some time we can do an exploration thread together.
The boy continued to stare into the valley after meeting her gaze, she looked to him again after he looked back at her, a hopeful small swish of his tail. “Yes,” she said with a smile, “Soon, I shall patrol borders and you may join me.” He knew his father would come back, this was indeed a given.

Of course he would understand ‘yes,’ and she would be more than glad to have him with her.

She wanted him to learn, to experience going out on ‘business’. One of these nice days would be well enough for it, soon.
“If it should happen that you don’t wake up tomorrow, will this have been a life that meant something?” Hawkeye Pierce
44 Posts
Ooc — Laur
Sounds good! And yes! I would love another thread with these two when you get the chance! :D

He huffed again at her response, wanting to stomp his paw and insist they go now. Soon was not now. Why did he have to wait? Instead of complaining, the boy stared hard at the horizon in defiant silence, before his annoyance quickly fizzled out and he looked back at Greyfalcon.

She would not take him exploring beyond the borders just yet, but Arrax had thought of a new request that she could help with. "Hungry," he said in a single-worded plea as he looked hopefully at the kind-faced woman.

She responded in turn with an amused chuckle, before ushering the boy away from the cliffside and towards a nearby cache where they could eat and play while they awaited Rusalka's return.