Boartusk Heights the thing (1982)
91 Posts
Ooc — Bees
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fishing for a @Soleon but 'tis aw for a reason

little unlatched shadow crept along the edges of the kingdom. coming closer. running far.

each step followed by pause to listen, smell, taste a presence on the wind. then retreat. rushing stick-thin legs back where it was plausible to stay.

then return to again pluck an opportunity to come nearer, looking with raven-eyes for the sign she'll know when seen.

like today, passing a scentmark without fear.
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unreliable narrator
La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
the black rat that's lingered near her domain finally rears it's ugly head past her borders, and the queen refuses to let such a thing happen. she barks at her guards before storming down from the throne to meet eye-to-eye with the pest.

this thing could not, and will not, venture further and sully her kingdom.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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reyna is rated mature
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91 Posts
Ooc — Bees
ho, call to arms! guards rushing to flank the mother of disease descending in all her pallid filth to greet the feeble little invader. all the might of la muerte - or la muerte, la muerte, as the lesser birds cawed - to face but the shade of a wolf, mightiest enemy for their sharpened teeth!

and the jester, for her part, dropped her forebody as in supplication, just to fall fully and roll onto her spine, ears flattened, tongue out and tail curved over her sex in a display of submission.
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unreliable narrator
La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
tags are for reference

bestial displays only receive the ire of reyna. though pride shoots like adrenaline through her to watch the intruder so immediately fall to her feet, she barks an order at @Klara and @Basìlio to capture her. 
once pinned, reyna scrutinizes the outline of the wretch underneath luna's light. pathetic, filthy. for such an ugly beast to step into her beautiful kingdom is a crime as is. 
once chained by the jaws of her guards, the matriarch feels more than comfortable placing a paw atop the crown of the mangy woman beneath her. shadows and a cold front hide her glee at having her first prisoner.

you trespass into the kingdom of La Muerte. state your purpose, and you may see morning.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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reyna is rated mature
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91 Posts
Ooc — Bees
paws kicked her onto the ribs, jaws closing about the ridges of her back and neck to hold down the starveling - she alone was truly too great an enemy for the palecoated blight! the woman remained harmless, barely protesting with a whine when teeth scraped her unhealed flesh -

choke on it. illness to you, into your beds.

- then the palest placed a paw on the top of her skull, and that touch was, truly, greater anguish than any. red eyes bulged to whiteness and crossed, to look up at where the repulsive connection was made.

there was twitching in the lips; flews quivering between smile and snarl, before they settled on a shape for words.

khhhind kvit kvinne, kind lady of t'sks, her smile trembled, exposing teeth unmarred. do you speak for draugr queen? are you that one who is rahre in presence, she? who they say droove all others from her claim?
[Image: ef168a4f745014259e23f6a379f67c387d4c2536.gif]
unreliable narrator
La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
riddles spill from the woman's thick accent, the queen's glee deflating as reyna spends more time trying to decipher them before giving up. she presses further, shoving the woman further into the dirt when she realizes this is just stalling for time.

you did not answer me. crimson eyes sharpen. answer, or i'll have a guard make sure you may never speak your drivel ever again. or perhaps her teeth could be ripped and strung along a thread, the way her father did with teeth of captured prey. teeth as pearly as this one's would serve a double purpose: to be beautiful and to send a message to anyone else who dares to challenge La Muerte.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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reyna is rated mature
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91 Posts
Ooc — Bees
her chin was ground into the dirt and the two sets of jaws clenched about her protrusions, yet the first sound out her muzzle was a triumphant; ha!

based only on own assumptions and how they seemed proven in this moment, the madwoman became - unbeknownst to a sane mind, correctly - convinced this were the queen she heard of through garbled words of carcass-birds. only she could be of this make, these actions.

oh, oh, beg forgive! beg forgive wrait' of moon, lady of night. she resumed her placations, bordering on whines. ee only wanted see yur face, yu and lord of mountain. ee hear of yu, ee watch borders to see yu - oh, oh, nothing bad meant for kvit dronning!
[Image: ef168a4f745014259e23f6a379f67c387d4c2536.gif]
unreliable narrator
La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
the pale queen sits unimpressed. her eyes twist into crescents as this pitiful creature writhes underneath her foot, but the flash of pearly whites is enough for reyna to remain on edge.

you may watch my borders but you may never cross them. she hisses. there is enough vermin in the world that she must crush underneath the heel of her foot, to harbor one in her kingdom would be blasphemy.
one that seemed far too interested in her lord for the queen to just sit idle. she bears her own teeth as a warning.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
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reyna is rated mature
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91 Posts
Ooc — Bees
exaggerating submission, the svart tucked into herself every limb and the tail too, weakly wiggling her chin in place of a proper nod.

ee hear, ee hear! oh, ee do better, kvit dronning, oh ee please, ee obey! what ees needed? what's asked?

and the white wench could see herself reflected in the gaping red pools of the supplicant's eyes, whose thought was drown in them, drown.
[Image: ef168a4f745014259e23f6a379f67c387d4c2536.gif]
unreliable narrator
La Muerte

170 Posts
Ooc — bon
pearly fangs reveal themselves proudly with the wrinkling of her lips, marring the queen's visage just for this moment. vermin had to be put in their place.

leave. the white snake hisses. her tail lashes, as gently she releases her foot from the wretch. return, and your teeth will become a necklace for my daughters.
[Image: Illustration460.png]
nivis is welcome in all threads
reyna is rated mature
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