Jade Fern Grove the founding fathers... and when they came over on the mayflower
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
All Welcome 
Travel was a lot easier when Easy was on her own. There was no Dawn to keep up with, no Aditya to worry about, and most importantly, no one to tell her not to do things. Which was why - when she saw an injured raven in the lower branches of a gnarled old tree - Easy found herself in a difficult position halfway up an aging aspen. Either the bird had moved or she'd gone too far up, because now it was below her, peering in her direction with a somewhat quizzical expression on its face.

"Shut up," Easy grizzled, trying to shift around so that she could get back down. Perhaps nose-pointing-down was not the best course of action... but she was hard-pressed to find a way down without being able to see where she was going. Perhaps there wasn't a way down at all. While she'd found footholds of some kind on the way up, the tree's trunk looked awfully smooth from where she was now perched. "I think I'm in trouble, dude," she said to the raven, halting her struggled to catch her breath.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
7 Posts
Ooc — Lullaby
How long had it been since she had climbed a tree with her brother? How long had it been since she had seen her brother? She could no longer count the days but she remembered her heading, she remembered why she was here. She remembered the tales her older brother use to tell her, how there was a boy called Grayday. She knew of the direction he had gone but she only knew him by description and name. He was a brother she never got the chance to meet, and then Shale left. A sad day that was but now was not the time to dwell on the past, soon she hoped to tell her big brother Shale how.she felt when he did not take her with him!

Words reached her tall ears, and they were not from a canine on the ground but in a tree! Oh, this was fun! Moss green eyes looked up at the aging aspen and saw the dark colored girl that seemed confused to how to get down, ah, she must be new at this.

"Need some help?" She asked rather cheerfully, this was exciting. It was not every day that she could teach her unique skill, how did she even know how to climb a tree anyways? That was a question for another time, as she waited her white tipped tail swayed with excitement. Oh boy, this was going to be fun!
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
The bird did not respond, but ruffled its feathers in a self-righteous sort of way. She would've scolded it, but she figured she wasn't really in a position to be arguing with the fellow, being stuck in its tree and all. "This is a lot harder than it looks," she commented, looking back up the way she'd come and wondering if it would help to try and climb back up a bit to see if there was a better way to go.

She was shocked when the bird responded - except, a moment later, she realized it was not the bird at all, but a greyscale woman down below. Easy almost thought it was Dawn, except the pattern was all wrong, and this woman was too dark to be mistaken as her sister. Blinking against the odd occurance, Easy replied, "I'm kinda stuck."

Her tail wagged in a sheepish plea.
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
7 Posts
Ooc — Lullaby
It would seem she was talking to a black feathered bird, and by the looks of it, it was injured. How sweet but now she was stuck, unsure of how to get down the tree. After the girl responded to confirm her situation, Greeneyes moved closer. Her head tilted as she looked over the grisly beast of a tree, analysing the spacing between branches and the angle it grew.

Hmm, well this was a more advanced tree to start learning on but that could not be helped now. She pressed her pale paws against the rough bark before launching to the first branch, man this was always fun!

Quickly she reached the girl and gave her a playful smile, making sure she was a branch away to prevent pushing the girl out of the timber. "We will have to practice on smaller trees after this but first, your first lesson." She gave a soft chuckle, her tail moved to keep her balance as she looked at the branch just below the girl. "Okay, don't worry about Feathers right now. We will get the birdy next try." She reassured the girl before launching into the role of an excited teacher, afyer all, she taught her younger sisters how to climbs trees.

"You see the branch below you, and how ther is one rather close by after that?" She smiled and continued, "if you hope to that one and then use your momentum to hit the one almost diagonal from that branch, it should start you down the right path!" Before she let the girl just wing it, she wanted to show her so she did not get hurt.  "Watch me first before you try," she almost laughed before  doing as she had just told the girl. Each time she it one branch she quickly aimed for one below and diagnal for the next, helping her soon reach the safety of the ground.

"Do you think you got it, or do I need to show you again?" Her words were kind and patient as she looked up at the nervous girl.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy gaped at the other woman as she simply leaped up the tree, easy as pie. This had to be Dawn's evil twin - or perhaps her good twin? Such thoughts, however, were quickly cast aside when the familiar-stranger began to speak. And she was definitely not Dawn.

"I think I've got it," said Easy, studying the route that the woman had taken. The leap seemed like a little much (Easy still remembered Tegan jumping further than her in their contest), but she was sure she could make it if her life depended on it - which it must, at this point. With an experimental wiggle, Easy began to follow after her fellow tree-climber, trying to step exactly where the older wolf had until the Great Jump. With a tiny breath of trepidation, Easy launched herself across - and exhaled rather sharply as her chest rammed into the branch. Instinct kicked in after that; she grabbed onto the branch with her forelimbs and kicked widly until - somehow - she found herself scrambling onto the narrow space, legs shaking from fear and exertion.

Turning to the woman, she offered a weak grin. "Now what?"
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier
7 Posts
Ooc — Lullaby
She seemed so sure of herself and yet as she watched the girl she could not help but worry that maybe she did not do her moves slowly enough, that maybe she should have simply picked the girl up and carried her down. Though that would have been flat out awkward but she had done it to her sisters before when they seemed to scared to move down the small try they had just climbed, then an idea came to her but not before the girl wiggled to announce her launch. That's when it went all wrong. The jump must have been too much because as she tried to be as graceful as possible she simply hit the branch rather than landing on it.

Greeneyes grimaced as it all went down, ouch, now that had to hurt but the girl asked for what could happen next. Well, if that's how she was going to land.. the next was going to be no better. Then the thought she had earlier resurface, yeah, that might work! It was going to cause some bruising to the older wolf but it would help the little girl. "Well.." Her voice drifted off as she tried to think of what to say, shocking right? "You could keep hopping down just like that or.." She looked back up at the girl as she positioned herself almost directly under her so that this jump would be a clear shot, "Or you could try to jump all the way down and use me as a landing cushion." She gave her a rather goofy smile to show her that she did not mind, no matter the pain it might cause. She just wanted to help her out so that she might teach her properly how to climb one of these trees.
you've still got a little lightning in you
572 Posts
Ooc — mixedhearts
Easy looked down at the older female, her gaze somewhat doubtful. Perhaps she just looked smaller up in a tree or something, but the Morningsider was fairly certain she was as big or bigger than the wolf down below. "I'd crush you," she said to the stranger, her tone of voice making it clear that it wasn't an option.

"I'll try and hop to that branch," she indicated one of the lower, thicker branches - "and then I think I can jump down from there. But maybe... I don't know. Do you think you could go tell my pack if I break a leg or something?" she asked hopefully. "They don't live far - and they're real nice. Maybe you can even come stay with us! My sister Dawn climbs trees, too. You'd be in good company."
ooh-oo child, things are gonna get easier