Lion Head Mesa cheves
923 Posts
Ooc — ebony
All Welcome 
set whenever, referencing toulas offer! <3

@Briar Cayde perhaps did not know it, but his strength marked the beginning of the only things silvertongue remembered. she had cried out for pharaoh and he had carried her to the palace. it was as if she had not left, though if she considered it, there was no sign of satsu or ramesses. yet her delicate mind did not allow her to think on this overmuch. in 'old fashion,' silvertongue arrayed herself with thick kohl and the scents of lotus; she brought a soft-plucked pheasant swathed in sage to the chambers of this new noble, announcing herself with a small clearing of throat as her black-lined eyes danced above the meal.
52 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
vaguely September prior to the hunt works wonderfully I think <3

Nobililty was never his within rights. He was a man born within a simple, dysfunctional family with little to get by. Yet here he was in possession of high status. Such a thing was for fairy tales, wasn't it?

Navigating through the culture shock took its toll upon Akashingo's newest neb. Unbeknownst to him, he had already begun wear a mask for courtly politics. His questions to those around him were carefully placed as not to look completely foolish. Much of his spare time was dedicated observing the living machine that nestled within the heart of the mesa. Ears beginning to the attune to the whispers that traveled in the hallways, Briar found himself silent more often than not.

He had begun to establish a small routine for himself. It was among the few things he held some control over. Retreating to his chamber around the same hour, today was no different. Even the footfall that sounded down the hallway was somewhat expected, albeit it carried a different sound to it. The owner to the odd gait announced themselves.

Briar scarely recognized the silver woman when he turned to see her. Two-toned eyes studied her for a few breaths. Strength regained, she assimilated within Akashingo with no issues it seemed. Did Toula recognize her at the gates? He could not recall.

Please, come in. It didn't matter, did it? He could ask her himself. I see you've recovered. I'm happy for you.
923 Posts
Ooc — ebony
edited the date! <3

elegantly she sat the meal down upon his eating-mats, arranging it just so before her glassblue eyes found the nobleman's face with a glowing respect. lashes shuttered; her bow was gilded submission. "you brought me back to where i belonged," silvertongue said simply, earnestly, though now her eyes had averted in honor of their great hierarchy. instead she moved about the room, straightening a polished stone here, a pristine cloth there. "now i have come to serve you." her smile was a small flash, her gaze as she turned it back upon briar cayde suggested a knowingness he might explore for himself. "how are you settling into nobility?"
52 Posts
Ooc — Squeaks
Briar watched her move through the chamber. Each movement poised and none lacked purpose. By her own admission, she had belonged here in Akashingo. It was difficult to retain his doubts on her origins. The few that remained clung like burrs upon one's belt. Irritating and stubborn, but one could ignore them for a time.

Now I have come to serve you.

Knots form within the pit of his stomach. A rotten taste upon his tongue. It did not seem real. Briar was well aware that the role of a fellahin was to serve the palace and its residents, he had simply alienated himself from that idea. Do you acknowledge such a thing, or do you deny it? Yet, he was a neb now. He would have to expect it, wouldn't he?

You are kind. Although, that is not why I helped you in the meadow. He skirted the subject, a paw lifting to invite her to sit. He lowered his gaze to look upon the meal she brought. Escaping for a moment from the glass blue eyes before he lifted his head once more to face her. You would serve me well enough just by giving me your name.

He waited to see if she would settle before answering her question. Taking those few seconds to consider his response.

It is new. I have been taking my time to learn and adjust.