Firefly Glen [PHE] a kiss with a fist
Swiftcurrent Creek
120 Posts
Ooc — Jess
All Welcome 
She’d issued one challenge thus far, and had left the Kvarsheim leader to consider the request, hoping in part that he might end up being so much of a coward that he feared crossing her path. In truth, she felt a little bit shaken by her own cockiness. What if she embarrassed herself in front of this many other wolves?

She moved with intention, but found herself pausing when she found a small splotch of dark juice on the ground. The smell was strong- it was some kind of berry- but when she licked it, the taste made her tongue curl. It was disgusting and yet-

-she wanted more.

There were many wolves gathered, and their voices were distracting. Still, she flattened her ears and focused on tracking here and there, at times bumping into others or cutting across their path even as they moved to embrace old friends. She lifted her head in passing to smell, sometimes invading personal space until-

She found where it lingered.

She’d cut across the dark woman’s path and had barely bobbed her head up to sniff when she caught the scent of boozy berries on her breath. She snapped her head up and sniffed again, stepping back when she realized she was uncomfortably close to the stranger, @Tavina

Her whiskers twitched. She looked at the woman like a child who has just heard the opening of a bag of chips from the bathroom where the parent *thought* it was a safe place to hide and snack. 

Want some. She grunted.
724 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
the chips and parent analogy is especially resonant as i cram illegally unshared cheetos into my mouth

skilled at disappearing if she wished, tavina melted deeper into the underbrush, skirting the edge of one camp (kvarsheim) and another (sapphique).

unknowing to her, the skin bag of berries had begun to leak, leaving a rather savory trail. it was along this that the girl followed, though tavina did not notice until it was far too late.

there was a half-grown child in her face, demanding;

her sozzled eyes blinked. "you're a girl," tavina declared in an arrogant tone, her breath a plume of cigarlike steam in the cold autumn air. "i won't be responsible for a drunken child. now move," she clipped, stumbling unevenly around the young obstacle in her blurry path.
Swiftcurrent Creek
120 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The puff of the woman’s breath was so sour it made Cygnet squint. Nevertheless her appetite for the curious substance grew, when she noted how the woman’s movement denoted some amount of intoxication. Morbidly, Cygnet wondered how it felt, and if it was something close to being nearly dead.

She wasn’t so easily brushed aside, and moved back like a sidewinder so the woman couldn’t simply slip past her again. Not girl, Her voice was gruff, defensive. Here she was, fearsome and blood-painted, being called a girl.

If the shrewd woman’s true concern was getting in trouble for giving liquor to a minor, she’d address that concern as well. Won’t tell, She added, with what she hoped was a smoothe shrug of one blood-streaked shoulder.
724 Posts
Ooc — ebony
Master Medic
she wasn't a baby, only at this age, at the disparity to them, tavina only saw some upstart demanding things she did not understand. the purple eyes of the sesh stared in dizzy fomentation toward those of the other; she felt the bag slipping down around one shoulder, staining her flank sticky with the acrid juice.

"that — doesn't matter at all." she attempted to be stern, now just registering the blood smudged onto the other. "i've made a bad decision. go a-away."

the good doctor tottered backward a little, clutching at it even as a look of disgust crossed her face. at the texture. at herself, intoxicated here the very first night and caught out by some little drink-hound.

she reeled; caught herself against a tree trunk. she thought of nala and eset and zaahira's solemn eyes; she closed them.

the strained hide snapped; the pouch plummeted toward the forest floor before tavina had even registered the lightness along her body.
Swiftcurrent Creek
1,109 Posts
Ooc — Rachel
If Cygnet thought he was pre-occupied with distractions of the female variety and wouldn't be watching her she would be sorely mistaken.

The slurred speech of Tavina caught his attention--though his features remained solemn as he sidled next to Cygnrt first, a sideways glance given to her. This will affect your ability to spar and function. Now is not the time or place, but ask me when we're home and I will talk about it with you, he murmured to the pale girl, though one eye remained on Tavina.

It would be a lie to say he wasn't hoping Eset would appear from the foliage.

Tavina slumped, and the dark man made to assist, dipping down to catch what scattered and right it--shouldering the bag before offering it to the doctor. Anywhere in particular you're going to?
Swiftcurrent Creek
120 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She grunted, squinted skeptically at the woman who now clutched to her prize and claimed that age was no matter. She saw the woman’s posture soften, watched the way her eyes wandered past Cygnet as if following a moving target. The sternness remained in her features though her words were slurred. 

Cygnet was quick, sober. 
She watched the woman stagger and grimace when her slipping gaze at last returned to her. Tavina recoiled as if repulsed, and stumbled as if tripped by fate for casting such shade with her glance. 

The berries fell to the ground beside the woman. 

She moved in- but not to snatch the parcel. She glanced over her shoulder to a woman with gold highlights along her dark shoulders, whose concerned gaze had swept in their direction the moment the drunken woman fell. She approached.

Cygnet looked to the woman leaning against the tree, before she spun and greeted the approaching woman who smelled strongly of salt with a beaming smile.

I win our spar, She declared, hoping the golden-eyed woman had not seen more of their interaction. Cygnet did her best to block Tavina from questioning eyes. I win, She said with a grin, her bobbed tail swaying.

The woman wordlessly blinked, turned, and walked away. 

Cygnet turned back to Tavina, her expression as set as it had been before. 

You give, She spoke reasonably now. I tell no one. Your choice. Blackmail? Not something she’d used before but..,It tasted as poisonous and delightful as the berry juice had been.