Qeya River run
3 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Meleys followed the caribou. She always had, something which had been pushed onto her in just a pawful of months. She remembered the aching in her limbs, the tiredness of her eyes. She also remembered faces of those she had met in those early days and how many disappeared just as quickly with the only reasoning being "they were weak". 

The Blackroot clan was as hard worn as any Lanzadoii, if not harder. Their hearts as hard as the beaten tundra plains of their path. 

Having abandoned the herd which she had followed for over four years of her life, she felt at a loss. She felt almost naked, without them. A bleeding sorrow for those caribou far outweighed any yearning for the clan members she had left. She had to find another herd now and so she did. 

She approached the herd slowly, accessing, quiet, keeping her distance. The scent of others of her kind near, but she minded her place from them. Meleys only wished to know of she could find home among this herd.
194 Posts
Ooc — ebony
very slowly had sun eater gathered a collection of small skins. many were stashed for now, but others lay in the last place he had slept.

each night the lanzadoii man chose a different part of the riverland in which to sleep. it was as natural to sun eater as drawing a breath, a practice encouraged by his deep suspicion that the other hunters would turn upon him.

raccoon musk cling thickly to the hunter as he watched a small tangle of caribou. they had arrived early, though welcome, and among them was —

he stared, surprise outright writ upon his stony features. "meleeys?" his steps quickened. "meleeys! how did you make it here?" 

she was his older sister, and now it was cen who stood before her, almost boyish in his shocked delight.

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cen is rated R

3 Posts
Ooc — Vami
There was such a great many of them, here in the taiga. Her focus remains to them. Grey eyes seeking, she thinks of 'Scar', a great old mother of Meleys' old herd. Meleys had tried to down her many times with her people, yet they failed each time. Scar had even trampled Meleys twins and a few others of the season. 

It was her own name being called back to her which broke the woman's focus. The phantom lifts her head, duel-shaded eyes squinting. A stark black wolf, large and of no particular distinctive markings savor the fact that he was missing an eye. 

His steps quickened, he drew nearer. His one blue-grey eye... Cen - brother. Alas, this was her young brother! The dark woman lifts, pacing quickly after him. Their run causing some of the herd to slitter away. You've grown into someone far larger and stronger then I remember!
194 Posts
Ooc — ebony
animals scattered as the hunters approached one another almost playfully. "here i am called sun eater. i found this place. it had no leaders. i fought, killed, and took it. sulukinak is here. she is daughter to aniktuktun."

meleeys. sulukinak. cen. "i have a son upon the coast, ghaden." he had married gheli far away and red leaf also; he had not seen meleeys in some time. she had married into another band. "soon i will send runners to find him. you come at a good time, my sister."

his single eye told her of his trials; his expression asked after her own.

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cen is rated R

3 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Meleys ran to him with a swiftness, despite her seasons and romped around her brother, less kisses of affection and more nipping and prodding with her nose in teasing manner of the great big man he had become. He was but a tall, gangly yearling when she left. 
The phantom listened to her brother's tale of his time here. He spoke of one of many cousins, known by passing name only to her. But what of his wife? Maybe she had died on the caribou runs. Meleys didn't know the woman. Had not known the first wife, either. Yet the caribou clans picked up much gossip with their constant moving about and rekindling with others, and were deep in their politics. She had heard the humors.  

A son? Does he show strength for the runs? This would always be at the forefront of her mind. Why was he at the coast and not with his father? Did he fall behind? If Meleys were to find out it was that damned woman who had seperated Cen from both his son and eye, she would gut her in a far less respectable manner she would the caribou. 

No children of my own will be following. Her expression grim, eyes hard. My pups were too weak to keep up. It was as simple as that. Deer were made to be on their feet and constantly on the move without hours. The pups were at least given a few months and if this wasnt enough, well - My husband shamed me with this. So she put the blame on him, as he did with her. I could not stay with this blight upon me. So I left. 

She had missed her brother's temper, even in youth, his resilience. He showed strengths she never saw in her own pups. She left out the details, as had Cen. Perhaps, one day... It seems so. She then added, when he said she had come at a good time. We are in need of one another, now. Her one pale and one dark eye cast to the herd.
194 Posts
Ooc — ebony
meleys had suffered. their earlier joy fell away beneath the bunching of his jaw; he hated to think of the dead children and the weakness to which she had paired her blood. yet it was their way. if a child could not walk, what could they ever do for the lanzadoii?
still; they would have been nieces and nephews to the man once called cen, and he mourned them in silence as his sister's voice continued. "my son is strong," sun eater murmured, "but his mother lives among the fish-eaters."
he knew this might only bring new looks, hesitation, surprise; he did not look at meleys as he spoke of the seal hunters. "she is sharadoii," he said at last. meleys knew the politics of the lanzadoii, and so he looked down at the ground as he said, "her father was round horn. i went away, my sister. i did not seek the blessing of our elders. i went away and on my travels i met gheli. we loved one another." she might remember the dancing eyes of the beautiful woman. "she gave me ghaden. she died, meleys."
"when i met red leaf, my heart was filled with pain. she brought me joy and loved ghaden as her own. he drowned in the meeting of the cousin and the brother rivers. the other bitterbrush, they accused her, meleys, of answering that old blood-call between black stick and us. for grey stone."
"so i brought red leaf here and i tried to make her lanzadoii. but you see she is not here, and neither is ghelan." and his voice, choked with bitterness, dissolved now for a time.

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cen is rated R