Blackfeather Woods Tried so hard
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Keeping this vague, I'm just impatient haha set for April 20th I will revise this once the other threads are finished. @Kove

She had managed to get the pup out of that dreadful pack as well as herself. She was only a bit injured and she was glad that she was spared to live another day and she praised Mephala because of her mercy on her. She did not know what would happen to her brother but he was able to take care of himself. Moonshadow was glad she hadn't told him of her departure because of she that if she did he could have been killed.
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
Assuming she’s near the woods/visible from the treeline. Correct me if I’m wrong!

Kove was patrolling the borders per usual when he spotted a dark mass in the near distance. It was far enough off that he couldn’t make anything out aside from the distinct shape of a wolf—or some sort of canine—the creature’s identity a mystery. It was close enough, however, to be of mild concern to the aging Inuk, whose direction shifted just enough to have him trotting towards the being. Before fully closing the distance between them—he intentionally kept away, not so foolish as to approach an unknown specimen without caution—he called out: “What brings you to these parts?”
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow despite being im her weak state stood a little bit straightener as he spoke, but not too.much as she didn't wamt to show any form of dominance. "My name is Moonshadow, I was accepted by Vaati a while back but after the war I was taken by Nikan as was the pup Maegi. I managed to help her get away but she ran off and I was unable to find her." She begins speaking of what happenened. "If you'd have me once more, I wish to rejoin the pack."
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
The figure was confirmed to be a wolf, and a female, at that. She was quick to respond, delving into the tale of her previous alignment with the pack and the events that transpired previously; that which was spoken about her alone did not stand out to him nearly as much as the mention of Maegi, however. The Inuk’s ears perked and his posture straightened, a frown appearing and deepening. “Which direction did Maegi go in?” asked the male, taking a step towards the wolf; he recognised the name and did not view her as a threat, knowing well enough that he could defend himself with ease if need be.

“If you planned to join us again, why did you not follow Maegi?” he asked. “Why did you not ensure her safe return home?” He had assumed the child to have gone out adventuring, something that he was familiar with, having done so rather often during the days of his own youth. That something had happened to her during such journeys, however… he was most displeased, deciding almost immediately that Nikan, whoever that may be, was to be killed on sight for tampering with the life of his apprentice.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
"The pup ran east from what I saw, I had been fighting with Nikan when she bolted. He wounded her...her face pretty bad. I attempted to follow in her direction but I lost her when I got to a river. Thats when my brother found me as well as a wolf from Bearclaw valley." She finally regained her vision in her right eye as she spoke to him.
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro

The temptation to rush forward and seek out the child was almost unbearable, though he managed to hold off; he could not act impulsively, for he was no longer as young as he once was nor capable of leaving the woods for extended periods of time. As much as he disliked the realisation, he knew that the search for the child was not his to complete, given how he could not leave the woods behind—especially not now, with their numbers so low and the newest lives so young. “When you are well, you will go out and you will search for her,” he stated, staring the female down. She had seen Maegi last, she was currently the most equipped to find her.

“Bearclaw Valley?” he repeated back, ears perking up. “What was the name of the wolf you met from there?” That the name was familiar to him, he did not let on; he acted the same as he would towards the name of any location, interested just enough to learn more but not so much so that it became suspicious. Had one of his children ventured back home? Or, perhaps, had another found the valley and realised its potential? Curious though he was, he did not ask any of the questions that floated through his mind, nor did his expression betray him.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow nodded her head. "I wouldn't have it any other way sir. The wolf I met was a she-wolf named Indra." She restated the name as she looked at Kove. Moonshadow was determined to get better and complete her task.
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro

The name was not familiar to him, not in the slightest. He remained silent, considering several possibilities, before asking, “Was this Indra girl the leader?” Or, perhaps, a healer? The latter thought he did not care to voice, finding that piece of information to be unimportant if his actual question could be given an answer. He ignored, too, the comment made on her brother’s involvement—he had turned the male away once before already, he did not care to weigh his thoughts down with anything regarding a wolf he would never again cross paths with.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow gave a slight shrug and the ache coursed through her bones. "I know not if she was alpha." The others posture didn't portray dominance when they met but she was not sure. Their confrontation was brief.
Atâtak Atsanik
918 Posts
Ooc — Kuro
There was little more information to be given, the female’s knowledge limited. Kove nodded, lingering on that which she had been able to share, rather than that which she was unable. “I see,” he commented, offering a glance in her direction before turning. “If you don’t have anything else to share, go rest.” Should she say nothing, he would then return to the shadows cast by the canopies of his home.
535 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow nodded her head respectively. "Once I am better I will set out for Bearclaw valley, perhaps she ran into a wolf there.' The she-wolf knew that it was best to let someone know where she was going this time.