Otter Creek Creatures lie here
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
@Moonshadow this is pretty close to bfw

After having toyed with his first victim in a long time he had found that his thirst was far from satisfied. He set off to find something or someone else to do and stumbled upon the creek. It seemed vaguely familiar for some reason but he couldn't think of what it was. He lowered his muzzle to the water and drank deeply while keeping an eye on his surroundings.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She found herself able to feel her littles ones kicking within her womb and it filled her with happiness to know that she was carrying new life. Moonshadow began to walk a little farther from her homelands and kept her guard up and out of the corner of her eye a similar figure crept up and she let out a menacing growl. “What the hell are you doing here!?”
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Nikan paused in his drinking as he spotted a delightfully familiar face of one of his least favorite women. He lifted his head and grinned, eyeing her large belly "Are you blind? I was drinking" he responded snorted at her attempt to be menacing "You're certainly living a lavish life you've gotten quite fat" he said hungrily and then bared his fangs "Or has some poor bastard gotten trapped by your snatch because of heat?" he sneered at her.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Her growl became louder as she watched his movements carefully. “You aren’t welcomed anywhere near Blackfeather I see it wise for you to leave before you get ripped to shreds for what you did.” Moonshadow his her fear and laughed at his comment. “Well yes actually I am a little blind bo thanks to you. “
222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
Memories of her defending a little girl named Maegi made him grit his teeth, the memory of his fangs slicing through tender young flesh almost brought a groan from his lips. He took a menacing step forward "Ripped to shreds? You can try anytime wretch, how about now?" he sneered ignoring her last comment. He bristled as he circled her eyes narrowed and tongue lashing out to swipe at his lips.
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She watched as he circled her it was almost as it happens last time when he had kidnapped her. “I will not endanger my pups lives for your petty games. Now leave!” Moonshadow growled loudly and let out a howl hoping someone would answer. “You simply aren’t worth my time.” She kept a constant watch on his movements in case tried anything she would fight if need be but she prayed it would not come to that.
40 Posts
Ooc —
Istoira had lingered near the Woods since learning of Moonshadow's residency there, intending to make herself known to its leaders in time - wanting the opportunity to find a way to prove herself worthy of joining the dark lady's people before approaching. 

She has strayed from her observance if only to search for sustenance for the soon-to-be mother but an urgent howl brings the firewood hastily back - dropping her prize unceremoniously amongst the grass, a plump turkey, as she emerges from the shadows of the trees. 

The former slave sidles to the black pearl's side, scarred form held tall and tail flagged in dominance as hellish orbs rake over him coldly. 

"Leave. Now."
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
she'd been doing her usual daily rounds of the borders when the howl pierced the air, causing some ravens to squawk with alarm as if knowing it was one their forest's wolves that had sounded it. tundra recognised it right away for she'd heard it before, it was moonshadow and the call was clearly one seeking help. although last time she'd been fine, there was a much stronger sense of alarm to this and she took off from the woods at a quick run- aware of bertók soaring high above her. the thud of her paws sounded loud in her pinned back ears as she streaked across the flatlands- a mere blur of white.

it wasn't long before figures came into sight, one quite obviously moonshadow and the other a man. just before she reached them another scarred woman arrived but seemed to be on moonshadow's side. nevertheless tundra wasn't ready to trust anyone who didn't bear the blackfeather scent and arrived to the scene with a low growl, moving to moonshadow's side and gently touching off her with her long tail- surprised as to how defensive she felt over the woman. a suspicious glance would be thrown to the lone girl before shifting narrowed eyes of complete darkness to the man that must have caused moonshadow's call for help. "you're going to want to back the fuck down" she'd growl, pearly fangs bared as she glared. her heart bet fast in her chest and although she'd put it down to simple adrenaline, she knew there was something more there. part of her was excited.
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222 Posts
Ooc — Chey
He laughed in response to Moonshadow's command though the sound was cut short by her howl. It was then his whole demeanor shifted and his body stiffened, a deadly gleam coming into his eyes though his fur flattened down. As a stranger arrived and took her place next to the pregnant woman, commanding him away he was already seeming calm "Who are you to command me away from nuetral land?" he asked in an icy voice his eyes shifted back and forth between the two. When the last summoned help came he snickered and backed away a few feet a nasty grin upon his maw "You'll regret this Moonshadow. One day, somehow, i will take the lives of those you love" he warned her though secretly it was an empty threat, he just wanted one last little bit of torment to be given before he vanished. He snapped his teeth in their direction and turned around, running off unless stopped.

So I definitely don't want him harmed right now, so he'll try to leave. Feel free to try and stop him though if that happens I'll be rolling dice for retaliation if that's okay with yall
Warning: Nikan is a mature character and will have sexual and violent themes. Please be aware when joining threads.
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow watched as he fled if she was in a better condition she would of made haste to follow him and make him pay for what he did but the she was in no condition to chase the coward. Although his comment unsettled her and she shakes slightly with fear. What would happen to her pups and was he serious. So many thoughts came to her mind and they frightened her very. She turns to the two females and smiles. “Thank you both for coming to my aid. I fear what he would of done to me or my pups if you lot hadn’t showed and I am greatful,”
40 Posts
Ooc —
I am Keiedia turned Istoira, Storm-bringer, and I have faced worst monsters than you.

The woman is not so foolish as to give him her name.

"I am the one who will render your vocal chords from your throat if you so much as look at her again." Lips would remain over her teeth, no growl or sign of aggression would be emitted. Yet, a fire burned in the flames of her optics that relayed the severity of her threat. No harm would befall the dark femme, or the pups she carried, on Istoira's watch.

At his threat, she would dart forward - fangs snapping together and urging his exit. The Wound-binder's gaze would remain locked on his miserable hide until he had vanished from her sight - ensuring herself that Nikan had truly gone before her stance relaxed and the tension fled her. 

A gentle smile was aimed at Moonshadow as her gaze fell fondly upon the shadow. "No thanks are needed, my lady," she reassured in her soft, formal tones. 

Fiery optics would slide to the pale one who had also come to Moonshadow's defense - sensing the white lady did not approve of her presence. No matter, Istoira would not apologize for protecting the young mother. 

She would wait, one brow slightly quirked towards Tundra - waiting for a dismissal now that Moonshadow was protected by a fellow packmate. 

"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
eerily empty, doll-like eyes would remained narrowed on the man as he relaxed his offensive posture. well at least he was smart enough to not want to get battered up, or meet an early death if she really got at him. at the words spat in their direction a low growl would simply rumble in her throat as a reminder for him to beat it now. otherwise she seemed unaffected by the threats, resembling a literal block of ice as she stood stiffly. at last he turned and fled and she couldn't help but feel...disappointed? as his form grew further and it took a whole lot of self control to stop herself launching after him, more for her own selfish wants than anything.

a brow would arch as she observed the lone girl as she launched threats at him and even jumped forward at his departure. a friend of moonshadow's perhaps? the whole act seemed rather passionate for a mere stranger but then again, some wolves really did get passionate over things like this. especially considering her packmate was pregnant, that would have a lot of females ready to throw themselves in front of her alright. she herself simply settled back into a dull emptiness once the adrenaline fled her as the threat dispersed and she would now turn dark eyes to completely focus on the two women as moonshadow expressed her thanks.

"anytime" is all she simply murmurs, before adding in quickly "also don't fear his words, he was just trying to maintain his dignity those threats were as empty as anything. as long as you've the pack you and your pups will always be fine" her head would dip as she'd then straighten and stretch out her now much more relaxed limbs. she'd lift eyes to the sky and see bertók circling above, obviously anxious to get back to his woods and so she'd drop her dark gaze back down, first nodding to the stranger. "yes thank you for coming to help her" is all she'd say but the words were sincere. maybe another would think to offer her a place at the pack should she want it but tundra was never good for even thinking of such things and so with a blink she'd begin walking back towards the woods- beckoning moonshadow should she prefer not to walk alone then whether the girl accepted or declined she'd continue back to the shelter of her home.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
536 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow sighed as she took in what was said. Tundra was right nothing would happen to her pups. She looked over to the other. “If you still wish to join our pack is over yonder.” The ebony female pointed her  snout in the direction of Blackfeather. “But I’m afraid I must head back immediately and inform Maegi about this encounter. Who knows who else is around.” She looked over to her pack mate whom was already walking. She would join her if the other had nothing else to say
40 Posts
Ooc —
Istoira nodded neutrally to the other female as she made for the treeline. "Anytime." 

"Of course," 
she murmured to Moonshadow, it would be best if the shadow's leader knew a dangerous male lurked nearby. She would head for the borders herself soon and attempt to join Blackfeather's ranks. 

"The bird is for you," she would inform as she too turned to leave, gesturing to the abandoned turkey with a jerk of her dark crown. The meat was fatty, rich in nutrients; the feathers could be used for the mother's whelping nest. 

Istoira trotted away, in the opposite direction, leaving the duo and food behind alike. 
"my bones are stained with sin, scorched by fire, broken by betrayal, cold in loneliness, soaked in blood. 
and still. you could not kill me."