Blackfeather Woods happiness is a warm gun
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
All Welcome 
looking for this to be a trade thread- maybe some stargazing towards naturalist but i can do merc either

the ghost could be found drifting betwixt the tall trees, for once allowing herself to wander deep into the heart of her home rather than sticking close to the borders. she knew ramsay quite frequently patrolled them too but she couldn't shake off the feeling that if something was to happen it would wait right until she left her post. still it was a beautiful night and silver slants of light dappled the floor in its eerie beauty whenever it could pierce the thick canopy above. it was almost silent save the occasional sleepy caw or rustle of feathes, a reminder that the wolves of these woods would never be completely alone. bertók himself was gliding silently alongside tundra, sometimes drawing ahead before circling back always only a few inches above her head. she couldn't help but smile to herself, she wasn't quite sure as to why he'd chosen her and what exactly he'd chosen her for, but the two had managed to form a strange little bond and she was surprised by how quickly he'd come to mean a lot to her. already his presence left her feeling calmer, it was like the woods own way of acknowledging her pledging herself to them.

soon her paws led her to that small clearing she'd found before where the trees for some unknown reason grew less dense and as a result the grass and other vegetation was much lusher with the extra light it gained. it was her favourite place to be at night and with the dark hours growing much warmer and drier it was where she tended to sleep too- both sheltered by her trees but also out under that brilliant starry sky at the same time. moonlight bathed everything and the whole place felt rather ethereal as she stepped out into the silvery light, shadows dancing around her but unable to reach her pale form as the moon drew her in. she remembered being here before and catching mou drifting around the forest like some haunted spirit. a sigh shifts from her at the thought. apparently the boy was gone and had left maegi in quite the state, her first reaction had been anger but it had dulled into weariness. evidently things weren't going to be completely easy around here, but was anything?

her head would tilt back so that eyes usually dark but now their true deep brown thanks to the light they bathed in, gazed upon the starry sky. there wasn't a cloud in sight and the little lights twinkled down almost tauntingly at her. with another final sigh she'd let her muscles relax- she could be at ease here, it was home after all.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She needed just a short break from her energetic pups. Nightfall had quickly come and she gazed upon her brood as they slept soundly huddled together for warmth and with that she slipped out of the den and started her stroll.

Moonshadow would not go far due to Istoiras absence and due to her still being on edge about Nikan. She had injured him greatly and was afraid that he would come after her or her pups as retaliation and she couldn’t have that.

She trekked forward and as she did so she notice a familiar pelt up ahead. Moonshadow let a short huff to let her know she was here and to not startle her. “Hey. Mind some company?”
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
she'd hear something stir behind her moments before the warning huff and instinctively tense, body turning quickly to detect what had intruded on her space. a soft exhale slips from her jaws as she relaxes once more at the familiar woman, it was only moonshadow. she glances about, surprised to see the mother without her new children but it's nice to see her getting a break too. she couldn't imagine having to spend all that time in a den, the mere thought of it gave her shivers. a small smile graces her features at her packmates question and she dips her head quickly in silent permission for her to join her. "i was just looking at the starsshe murmurs quiety, dark eyes rising to the silver dusted skies above once more before dropping to her...friend? acquaintance? mere pack mate? who even knew, that kind of stuff was still more difficult to her than fighting any war. 

"how're the pups?not exactly her favourite subject but it's plain rude not to ask and anyway, they were getting bigger already and it meant more life for blackfeather. now that she could get behind. she can't help but wonder who the father was, she'd thought it before but refused to ask. it wasn't her business anyway and could easily be a touchy subject for the other, if she were in her shoes whatever it may be she was sure she wouln't take kindly to such questions. she falls into silence for a few moments longer before; "i don't know if you heard but i got promoted to decimashe's surprised the second it blurts from her mouth, shocked not only by the fact she blurted something but also by how good it felt to get it out. she wasn't trying to brag or anything with the statement it just felt good to say it out loud to someone, confirm it really was real. since maegi know, she didn't really have anyone to say it to. anyway it wasn't like her and maegi were even really friends, maybe someday but she didn't think they'd made it to that level yet. not that she'd even know if we're being real here. 

"i'm sorryshe begins quite awkwardly, searching for the right words and coming back empty handed. "i just kind of had to say it out loud to someone you know? it probably sounded like i was showing it off i'm just..i don't know to be honestshe shrugs, eyes falling to her paws as her tail twitches with frustration. she hated this why did she have to get all weird and awkward?
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She was looking at the stars, something she found herself doing herself at many occasions. She felt that they gave her guidance that perhaps her family watched over her from above. “The pups are well, they are pretty anxious to explore the world.” She chuckled at her statement. “Sometimes it’s hard to keep track of them all but I manage.”

Moonshadow listened as she spoke of her recent promotion in the pack, she offered a soft smile. However she then apologized and Moonshadow merely shook her head. “No need to apologize, that’s wonderful news. You’ve earned it. “ She was not oblivious to the She wolfs constant attendance to the borders. It made her feel safe.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
she can't deny it, traces of a smile do curl at the corners of her jaws as moonshadow talks about her children. complain how she might about pup talk, it was good to hear about the future defenders of the woods coming along so well. maybe she should make more of an effort with them, it'd be easier now that they were aging quickly. "that's good to hear, if they ever need fi- er- sparring tips of whatever i'd always be happy to helpshe knew some parents were much more protective over their pups than others and she was pretty sure moonshadow wasn't too precious about it but she couldn't be sure so she stopped herself from saying fighting before it could get out, sparring was less likely to startle. she did mean it though, she wasn't the best around kids but she'd be happy to teach them some moves. it was good to know at least the basics even if they had no interest in anything mercenary.

stretching out her tired limbs, she'd nod gratefully- the rare sight of a proper smile gracing her features at the other wolf's words. it was certainly good to hear. "thanks moonshadow i really appreciate itshe was more than happy to drop it now, getting to say it out loud being more than enough to help her feel better so her gaze lifts back to the sky above- inhaling deeply. it's let loose in a content little sigh as she goes on to murmur; "do you have much of an interest in the stars?"
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
This was the first time she had noticed her packmate show even the smallest traces of a smile and it made her send a smile of her own that way. “I think Rowan would enjoy a new sparring partner.” She chuckled at the thought, he was her little warrior, it reminded her about Nightstar and how he wanted to keep everyone safe regardless of what happened to him. “There’s only so much I’m able to teach him and with everything I’ve been through, who knows what life has in store for them.” She secretly hoped that her children wouldn’t have to go through half of what she had to endure.

The next thing that was said was a thank you. She watched as she lifted up her head to gaze at the stars and her question peaked her interest. “Yes, I do. Is there anything you can tell me about them? I like to think that when we die we join our loved ones above in the stars. If that is true my brother and pup are up there.” She too gazed upon the stars.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
rowan, hearing one of the names being tossed her way suddenly made her aware of the fact that she hadn't even known what they were called before then. gosh she was awful but hey at least she was trying now, had to start somewhere right? "well toss him my way sometime i'll be more than happy to show him the ropesthe idea of training the pup actually made her quite nervous- not that she'd ever admit it but she supposed it was something she'd just have to get past. it was just, well clearly she'd been trained to be a soldier and from a very young age but it had certainly never been through decent methods- what if she was too harsh?

her head nods slowly as moonshadow continues- anything could come their way that was true. no one got through life completely unscathed. "i guess all we can do is try prepare them as best as we canshe murmurs, soft sigh trailing from her jaws. was it cruel to keep giving life these pups to mess with and hurt? the stars continue to wink down on them as she studies them closely- how could something so beautiful look down on all the mess that went on down here and do nothing about it? she glances towards her company briefly as she expresses her own beliefs before lifting upwards once more. she'd heard that one before and perhaps it was true, it seemed more probable than the gods the rest of the wolves believed in around here but she had always been a skeptical being so she really couldn't be sure. "i can see it being possibleshe finally allows- were her parents up there? lost siblings? it didn't strike much within her, not like she could remember them anyway. but was he up there too? now that was worth considering. "i dunno, the idea of them all watching us kind of makes me uncomfortablesaid no one ever; trust her to take something others found comforting and call it weird.

frowning thoughtfully she continues; "forgive me i've always been pretty skeptical but i guess there's as much proof that you're right as there is that you're wrong so maybe you are right. or maybe they're nothing but beautiful trickerythere were so many different theories and beliefs as to what they were, but maybe they were nothing more than just stars? little lights far away. "they've names you know - the different groupingsshe wasn't an expert on them but he had been and she could still remember some of the stuff he'd told her.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She seemed  unopposed  to send Rowan to learn a thing or too and she smiled at the thought of them. “I will definitely send him your way in the mere future. Her pups were growing up so fast but what caught her interest was when Tundra told her they had names. It was true she supposed everything had a name. “Would you care to tell me about them?” She was curious and perhaps she knew more than she did about the particular subject.
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
she nods along subconciously as moonshadow promises to send him her way, she'd be intrigued to say at the least to see how it'd go. maybe she'd be great at it or perhaps she'd just fuck things up- they'd have to just wait and see. her mind doesn't linger on it for long, for once leaving her in peace and joining her soul in wanting to merely gaze upon the stars in all their greatness. the woman at her side speaks up again and although dark eyes don't shift from the sky- ears tilt towards moonshadow to show that she is indeed listening. tell her about them? she smiles almost bashfully, dropping her gaze momentarily to look to her packmate. "sure i guess em, i don't know if all wolves call them by the same things and i was only told bits by him here and there but..eyes rise once more to scan the sky with more purpose this time, searching.

"okay so when you get a gathering of stars like that, sometimes they resemble shapes or they're just lined up funny- they're constellations and they all have their own unique namesshe begins, voice hushed as eyes twinkle with bittersweet memories. "actually you obviously know cassiopeia? well there's a constellation named after her..or well more likely vice versashe chuckles lightly, scanning the skies for a few more moments of silence before spotting it. "there that's it!...i think, it's been a while, if you joined the stars it would kind of make a zigzag- see it?" she points her nose up at it hoping she's right anyway but it looks more like it than anything else shining down on them that night. the smile continues to grace pale features- a rare sight indeed but it felt...surprisingly nice to use memories that although they surely held remnants of pain, could be recalled for their happiness and passed on to someone else. she inhales the cool air deeply whilst awaiting the woman's answer before bombarding her with too much.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
Moonshadow had a soft smile as the other spoke and she was intrigued to say the least and hung onto every word her pack mate spoke and gazed upon the sky to see what she was talking about. The stars held shapes and she saw how happy Tundra was when she spoke of the stars. “Yes I know who she is and that’s amazing. I never knew that before.” She took a mental note of everything that was said. She looked up to see what she had been talking about. “I think I see it.”
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
end here?

she nods along at responses given, soft smile gracing her features the whole time. she hadn't expected someone else to be enthusiastic about the whole thing and it's nice to see. "yea it's pretty cool alrightshe simply muses, eyes mirroring the sky above as dark pools reflect the small glowing dots. "i love as well how we all look up at the same sky no matter where we are. or at least anywhere i've been, it's never changed muchand then miraculously, as if it just knew it was being watched and wanted to impress- the sky presented them a shooting star. it was so quick and brief- you had to be looking to get it or you'd completely miss it but oh she seen it alright. "did you see that?!she laughs, eyes wide with wonder. "it was a shooting star!she looks down to the woman now, eyes warm with a rare sighting of pure joy. "they're quite rare and apparently if you make a wish when you see one it'll come true. now i don't really believe that but they're definitely beautiful. no one knows what makes them do that, i guess it's what makes them so ethereal"

she looks back to the sky then, inhaling the cool night air. she feels content, and even a little sleepy. definitely something she ought to take advantage of considering how rarely she actually manages to sleep. yawning softly, she nudges her friend affectionately before murmuring. "i think i might try get some sleep before dawn breaks, this was so nice though. i'll see you tomorrowand with a little dip of her head she'd slip back into the shadows to find a place to sleep.
[Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker.gif]
534 Posts
Ooc — Alyssa
She clung to the words of her packmate, it was more knowledge she would have and could give to her children. She looked up as she saw the streak of light that passed through the night sky that she now knew as a shooting star and she was amazed by it. It seemed however that Tundra was more amazed and it made her smile at how passionate the female was about it. She spoke of how if you made a wish it might come true, however the female didn’t think that whatever made that true could help with hers. She wished for her brother to somehow return to her and Istoira perhaps. Although sad, Moonshadow gave a smile as she stated her leave. “Rest well.” She said simply as she watched her packmate depart. Moonshadow however stayed gazing at the stars.