Rising Sun Valley Stain Glass Upon The Ground
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
All Welcome 
Inkeri usually stayed in the border's and didn't stay far. Though today, she felt a restlessness of spirit that she couldn't deny. It had been sometime since she had, had conversation and despite the life she had lived before, she found she missed it.

And with that thought she again went in search of Anja. No idea where her sister had gone, or what she had done. She worried for her. Even @Lucius was quiet as of late, and it rankled.

She wondered perhaps she was not meant to keep anyone for long term. Maybe much like her mother and her father, she was doomed in all things that had to do with anything relationship wise. She licked at the unkept fur of her back, but she couldn't reach it all. And unfortunately her creams and blacks, made for startling contrasts and dirty spots.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon made her way up the bottom of the Rising Sun Valley happy to be free of the bug-infested area of the Tormented Tarns. Most of the webs and bugs were off of her but some still clung to her and she had an irritating feeling of not being clean. The idea of it more so than the actual state of being dirty made her feel itchy.

As she went through the Valley she rubbed herself against any tree or large rock she could find. Water would be her best bet she thought to reach the areas she and the vegetation couldn't. However, being new to the area she wasn't sure where the nearest body of water would be and she wasn't willing to go back the way she came.

Luckily she caught the scent of another wolf and follow it. She came across a female with a beautifully colored pelt of ivory and accents of grey and black. "Excuse me, Miss. Do you by chance know if there is any body of water nearby?" she asked politely. An introduction may have been proper as her first means of communication, but unsurprisingly her focus was on something else.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri was tossed from her brooding thoughts by another arriving on the scene. She was colored golds and blacks woth a muscular frame. She spoke softly and sweetly and Ink looked her over.

She nodded I can take you to the river. River.

Inkeri motioned for her to follow and she headed towards lost creek hollow and the small rivers that ran there.

I am Inkeri Kvitravn.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
It seems as though Paeon was lucky as this female was polite and had no problem offering her guidance to a nearby river. Paeon did tilt her head to the side a bit when the girl repeated the word 'river'. But the thought quickly faded as she introduced herself.

"Thank you Inkeri. My name is Paeon." she said in greeting. As they began to walk Paeon looked for some conversation. "You have quite the interesting name. Does it have any special origin or meaning?" she asked curiously. She dare not try to pronounce Inkeri's last name as she assumed she would butcher it tremendously.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri saw the movement when she spoke twice. She lowered her eyes quickly. Ashamed. It was somwthing she had always done. She couldn't change it. She had tried.

Hello Paeon.

Inkeri shook her head as they walked. Her thought on her name. She wasn't certain of her first name, but everyone in her former pack bore the surname of Kvitravn no matter relations.

My first name is just that. That. My last name is for the god Kvit. Everyone in my former pack bore these surname no matter relation.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Again the girl repeated the final word of her sentence. But not all of her sentences. Paeon didn't bring it up to the girl yet but continued to listen for any clear patterns. 

Inkeri shook her head no and went on to explain how her name was not all that special. But her description integrated Paeon. She referred to a god Kvit and explained how everyone in her former pack shared the same last name despite blood relation. Seemed to Paeon a significant connection or meaning behind the name.

"You must still have faith in this god Kvit to hold into them in your last name, or to your former pack as a whole... or perhaps not as they are now your former pack?" Paeon said speaking her thoughts aloud curious and a bit insensitive as usual.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri would have been quite embarrassed had the girl mentioned her tick. And she probably would have walked away immediately. She couldn't help it no more than she could help breathing.

My former pack. Pack. They believed in Kvit. I believe in both Kvit and Svart because I am of both, though it took me longer than expected. Expected.

Inkeri shuffled her feet and tilted her ears to listent o anything else the other had to say. She wasn't certain why the other was so curious or what it meant to answer such questions. But she didn't mind the conversation all the same.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
As Inkeri spoke and answered Paeon’s questions it only created more in her head. She would have thought that this girl might give her more information but the way she spoke almost made it seem like Paeon should know of the two referenced gods. Did all wolves of this area share this girls beliefs?

“I’m sorry. I’m completely new to this area so I’m not up to date on my Kvit or Svart knowledge. What exactly took longer than expected?” Paeon asked. This girl was kinda like a riddle in Paeon’s mind and she was keen on cracking the puzzle.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri had not seen many Svart, or Kvit's in the area, since their mass Exodus. Even her own beloved sister was gone. Though was she never to return, ink couldn't answer that, but it was a sad momentary thought anyway. She had managed not to think of Anja as much, but it was still there at teh back of her mind.

Inkeri tilted her head. Realizing that I could be from two worlds, and exist fine. That is what took so long. long.

She traced gentle green eyes over the girl and then averted her eyes. She wasn't certain how to share the truth, without sharing at least some of her history, but did she really want too. Did you just share your truths with whomever? And what happened if the one you shared them with, did not guard them well.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Still more questions. Despite Paeon's confessing, she knew nothing of what the girl was talking about she provided no further context. Paeon felt as though their conversation was going in circles or perhaps a cycle. Ikeri answering one of Paeon's questions, Paeon having further questions because of Inkeri's answer, and so on.

Coming from two worlds seemed open to interpretation. Paeon did not have a similar experience she could empathize with, but she tried her best to sympathize as much as she could. Seeing as how their conversation was getting nowhere, Paeon was happy when the water of Lost Creek Hollow came into view. 

A smile erupted on her muzzle and she galloped past the girl and jumped into the medium-sized pool of water submerging her whole body.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri hit the ground as Paeon jumped forward. A shivering mess of fur and fear. She covered her nose with her paws and waited for the blows to come. But they did not. SHe lifted a paw to study the girl as she jumped into the water.

Inkeri had to take deep breaths. Trying to calm her erratic heartbeat down. The girl could not have known that she had been abused and beaten. But she still felt a sliver of unease and sadness now to be around her. And she was unsure what to do with these new found feelings of unease.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The water was a welcomed feeling. Any webs or dirt that were previously stuck in her fur were how free as Paeon shook offer her coat in the water. She also took a moment to get a drink from the water and looked over at her guide. She was laying on the ground and watching Paeon. Was she tired, Paeon thought. 

"Aren't you going to join me?" Paeon asked. The girl had been grooming herself when they first meet, so Paeon thought she might want to benefit from the water's cleansing properties too.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri heard the question in teh girls voice. And her heart jumped again against it's fleshy prison. She tilted her head downward, and blinked her pretty green eyes. Trying to push the tears back.

In a moment.Moment. She spoke now. She slowly got to her feet and with a feeling of dread, slowly moved towards the water. She stepped one paw in and then another and she allowed the coolness to wash over her.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
As Inkeri stood up slowly Paeon continued to think that she must have been tired… or perhaps afraid of the water. “You didn’t have to come in if you didn’t want to” Paeon said wanting to make sure the girl didn’t feel like Paeon was pressing her to come in. “But doesn’t that feel better?” Paeon said lowering herself into the water so that her body became lighter carried by the water.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri blinked, tears threatening to choke her, but she shook her head and lifted it upwards and high. A proud tilt to her chin, while she struggled to keep her composure.

It was not that. That. You scared me. Me. Thought you were going to beat and bruise and bite, when you ran like that. That.

Inkeri settled into the water with a sigh and gave a swift nod. Yes. It does.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Sorry for the late reply. A lot of IRL events/problems came up this month.

Beat, bruise or bite. That's the impression Paeon had given off as she ran into the water, she questioned. Immediately she felt bad, she certainly hadn't meant to make Inkeri feel that way. She also thought a moment and questions had her actions could have been interpreted that way, she hadn't been rude to the girl or even gotten that close to her. But that didn't matter. "I'm really sorry for scaring you." she said sincerely.

It made her feel better as Inkeri relaxed into the water. But calm water and quiet air made Paeon's mind fill with questions. "Has someone done that to you before? Jumped you by surprise?" she asked. Though she meant to harm she was nonetheless likely been too nosy with a girl she had just met.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri shivered a little. Still trying to calm down from her scare.

Is okay. Okay. she murmured

Slowly she closed her eyes as she settled enjoying thr ebb and flow the feeling of contentment. Though her thoughts were interrupted by the other girl.

Ahh. Yes. Yes.

Pretty brow furrowed as she tried to push the words through frozen lips.

Yes. Mmm...I'm from a pack that fought with abother pack, but our father was from the other pack. Forbidden love is how i was born. Born. I was hated by all of them. Them.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Hearing the short synopsis of Inkeri's story Paeon felt bad but also frustrated. "Well, that's dumb. It's not like you decided if you would be born or not. I think others we should be judged by our actions and achievements following the decision we take... you know things we have control over" Paeon expressed. She was trying to sound encouraging but may have missed the mark.

"I'm happy to hear you aren't there anymore... that you left"
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
Inkeri smiled softly, green eyes gentle in the light. I agree. Agree. But we were a pack of traditions and long lines. To them, we marred them, even if it were not our choice. Choice.

Inkeri shifted in the water, the gentle lapping sound, lulling her into a small sense of security. However, long it would last.

Thank you. I am too. Too.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The conditions sounded more and more unpleasant although it was good to know Inkeri was no longer in that circumstance. Although Paeon still worried about the girl. Perhaps she had gotten away from that pack but it was clear that the experiences she had there still lingered within her. "What will you do now? Or what do you do now? Now that you're free of that?" she wondered. She hoped things were getting better for the girl. Being free was the first step and a great one at that, but Paeon hoped for more.
-Only the gentle are ever really strong. -
333 Posts
Ooc — Danni
There had been a time, when Inkeri had felt she had deserved all she had been given. That she was as terrible as everyone thought. However, Anja had changed her way of thinking. Then Lucius and then Sanja. Now she was able to stand a little taller on her own foot paws. She could give at least a little fight back.

For now I am healing. Healing. Learning. Learning. Watching. Watching.

She gave a decisive nod. She had no real path yet, but she would find one, perhaps someday.

186 Posts
Ooc — Raven
Paeon did not receive a clear or distinctive response but she tell in Inkeri's answer that she was better off now and Paeon had a feeling she would be alright. She found it hard to imagine that those that hated her simply because she was born would seek her out now and cause her further strife.

Having soaked for some time now, Paeon felt confident that she was now clean, and with a hint of guilt still lingering within her she thought it would be a good time to leave Inkeri on her own. With a small swim, Paeon began to exit the water and shook off her pelt. "That sounds like a solid plan to me. I'm hopeful for this new chapter of your life. Perhaps we will meet again. Thanks again for showing me to this spot" Paeon stated, ready to give Inkeri some alone time unless she had anything further she wanted to speak about.