Blackfoot Forest The Bright Sun Comes Up
173 Posts
Ooc — Raven
@Jasmine - Perhaps they can find the Blue Springs Cave. 
Setting: Morning

Andr had not slept well that evening. He had taken shelter in these woods early dawn and made a small dip in the ground his bed for the night. But as the sun went down the cries came out, as the local fox population plagued the woods with ghostly calls. 

Though others might have been spooked, being in this area the day before made Andr comfortable enough to make this area his home for the night. What the foxed did do was keep him up. Tossing and turning after each call when he was just about to fall asleep.

Come morning he had been granted only a mere few combined hours of sleep. The foxes had quieted down but the sun beckoned to be seen. Andr rolled over again turning away from the light. '5 more minutes'
100 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
She ran with the foxes.

Wild, snapping jaws chased after the critters and encouraged their frenzy — a frenzy that had chipped away at her until she said, screw that, and threw her irritation into the thrill of the hunt. They hadn’t let her rest, and she would give them that same privilege.

Really, it was only fair.

They petered out near dawn, numbers dwindling to a straggling few — Youngbloods like her who seemed simple in their intent to keep this game of cat and mouse going for as long as either party would, and Jasmine could get down with that.

She expected to carry on until either one of them tired. What she hasn’t expected was the log of a man sleeping on the other side of the bushes she had just burst through. Jasmine yelped but couldn’t do anything to stop herself. One moment her paws hit the ground, and the next, nothing — though her whole body struck and tumbled over the probably-not-so-sleeping-anymore wolf.
173 Posts
Ooc — Raven
The sound of thudding paws. Likely the rompings of some early bird foxes. Or so he thoughts. 

Then a rustling of the nearby bush and pressure to his side. A grown left his chest as this weight hit him and caused him to roll onto his back. 

At first, he thought that his morning visitor would be an inconsiderate fox he would need to teach a lesson, but as he lifted his head and opened his eyes, laid over his stomach was a mix-coated female with auburn accents. Although the initial impact felt heavy, now laying there atop him, she was light.  

"Oh... Goodness... I'm sorry Miss. I didn't mean to..." he said in instinct with a flush face despite the fact that if anyone were to place blame it would not be on him.
100 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
She landed on top of him in the lamest dog pile, and probably the most embarrassing kind. But as her daze cleared and he roused with a worried and genuine apology, Jasmine had already broken with a bouncing trill of laughter.

Nah dude, you were like a helpless log, that was totally me! It wasn’t like he’d put himself straight across some towpath in wait of the first wolf he could trip. Even Jasmine knew that would be a nasty prank. She tried to get herself off of him in some graceful way, but there was no way besides sliding to the ground that didn’t involve stepping on him more.

So slide she did, and chattered out, were you actually sleeping there? I tried but those foxes wouldn’t stop screaming.

Maybe she wouldn’t have joined them if she’d known there was someone else like her in these woods.
173 Posts
Ooc — Raven
His apology didn't make sense. He knew that. It was the sentiment, or the drill in teaching that made him reflexively apologize. He was happy to hear her laugh. The incident had not inconvenienced her and that's what he worried about most. With a relieved sigh, he rolled onto his stomach, so he could keep talking to her without having to lift his head up awkwardly.

"I think attempting is the correct word to use. I'm afraid I wasn't too successful. Normally I'd have been awake by now. I was trying to see if perhaps a few minutes more would compensate. A hopeless effort as they still continue their songs" he said looking over his shoulder in the direction of another crying fox before turning her gaze back to her.

"I'm happy that you were the one to be my final wake-up call as opposed to them," he said lightheartedly with a smile.