Swiftcurrent Creek It's hard to miss you when you are always on the tip of my tongue
1,547 Posts
Ooc — xynien
All Welcome 
Three weeks — or near enough as to make no difference. That was how long it had been since Lestan left her.
Some days she hardly felt his absence at all, and those were the best days, but they were not quite so numerous as the days when she woke up and keenly felt the lack of his warmth at her side, and tears stung her eyes before she even opened them. She had gone through so many emotions regarding his absence. But the days wore on and many of them fell away, and what filtered through was a mess of feeling that seemed sad and deflated compared to the fullness of what she'd once felt for him. Mostly Reverie felt... wounded. Her self-esteem had taken a hit, her ability to trust, even her pride to some extent — because it was humiliating, truly, to have given herself so fully to someone only to be left in such a way that the whole pack knew about it.
She still loved him, of course. That would never change. But she hated him too — for leading her on the way he had, all the way into the trap of pack life and a child before he'd decided to abandon it all. If only he'd fled a little sooner, things would have been so much different. Maybe she wouldn't have to hate him.
Reverie gathered Blossom up and took her to sit by the creek, eager to shake off these thoughts of Lestan. She wasn't sure if it was a bad thing, having her out of the den like this, but her daughter seemed perfectly healthy and happy in the aftermath of their recent trips. So she would continue on until it seemed otherwise.
101 Posts
Ooc — Jaclyn
Jasmine returned for a little while, as she always did. Enough to check in, replenish some caches, so a couple patrols, before she set off again to spread the great name of Swiftcurrent Creek around the whole of the Teekon Wilds.

Or so her story went.

Yeah, so she’d done more exploring than any real diplomatic kind of stuff, but most wolves she came across already had a home, and the ones who were alone, well…

Well, she was trying her next! Yeah, maybe all her hellos shouldn’t start with boo! but you don’t know till ya try.

And, well, since she’d tried, Jasmine decided to try a more civil approach to the golden girl by the creek. Familiar, but only by scent. The kid by her side? Not so much.

You teaching her to fish? Jasmine asked, shifting her weight to lean casually by, still looks a little young for that.
1,547 Posts
Ooc — xynien
Reverie glanced up even before her packmate spoke; she was normally quite oblivious, but motherhood had heightened her awareness some. She recognized her as one of the wolves who had been here before she joined, and so she greeted her with a smile despite their lack of familiarity with one another.
Oh, no, I'm going to teach her to swim, She said mischievously. See, I've always wanted a pet fish, but I had a daughter instead. Reverie tucked Blossom a little closer, wondering suddenly if it was too cold out for her right now. She seemed content though, as always.
The interaction didn't last much longer after that. Reverie was a little disappointed, but she tried not to let it show, and encouraged Jasmine to come visit her again sometime. She desperately needed more friends, she thought.