Qeya River Ikayuak
Ghost Talker
River Walker
173 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"I wasn't listening much, so maybe a whole lot, maybe nothing." He admitted, heading for the exit once the other was on her feet. He then paused for a moment before opening his mouth once again "don't call me medic - yeah? My name is Kekoa."

He preferred not to be referred to as something that at his heart, he did not view himself as. Once he left them behind he would be anything but a medic.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
War Chief*
173 Posts
Ooc — anon
her legs felt weak beneath her. even as she had him to lean upon. the lack of use had become startling apparent.

she almost wanted to escort him. it felt very clear he did not belong here in the slightest. names do not last long here. but she would respect this one he had for as long as it lasted.

her pace was slow, her lean against him was heavy. perhaps it would lessen with time.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
173 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He found the statement to be puzzling. "Do you not have a name, then?" He asked, looking to her with an expression of what could only be pure childish curiosity. Everyone had a name, or some form of one.

Kekoa soon paused, unsure of what way to go to find a suitable water source.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
255 Posts
Ooc — Jess
*barges in*

The sparrow did what he could to stay busy- so that he might not be seen as becoming avoidant. Time passed- Senka's wounds remained, and he continued to patrol the borders both hoping and dreading the moment he came upon a familiar scent. He hunted, he fished, he did what he could to contribute while the bite wounds along his shoulder and across the bridge of his muzzle healed. He fought off stiffness with motion, cleansed the wounds regularly with cool, soothing lake water. 

He found Sulukinak's scent. He associated her scent with Sun Eater, but did not know her face, and could not remember her name. With her was the scent of another man- he tracked them to where their scents mingled, fresh but temporary, with Sun Eater's. He found himself following the story of their meeting- and began to follow along at a brisk trot as soon as he realized that Sun Eater and the stranger had headed in the direction of Senka's den. 

He worried, when he found the den empty- but Sun Eater's trail led down the ridge, and he could now smell both Senka and the stranger on the air. 

No sign of a struggle- only a bit of berry juice left on the ground. 

Not knowing medicines, he became immediately suspicious, and found himself bristling with irritation, that Senka might possibly have consumed something that might leave her vulnerable while in the company of a stranger. 

It did not take him long to track them down- shoulder to shoulder, with Senka leaning heavily upon the lanky yearling. Whether he was known to Sun Eater or not did not matter to Ksura, who barged forward, whiskers pushed forward and the fur from his shoulders to his rump bristled. He uttered a soft growl, and set his keen gaze upon the stranger- for the first time since the raid, he found himself exhibiting a dominance display. 

Both his physical strength and fondness for Senka had begun to grow. The last time an unknown man had come to their home, he had taken over; Ksura moved in to shepherd the smaller man away from Senka's side with a brisk snap of his teeth, so he might step in and support her instead.
War Chief*
173 Posts
Ooc — anon
how did she explain it to him? that her name was not his to know and that what she was called was not a name to her? she found herself tired of this boy's naivety and she wondered if this one would get himself killed — or others, too.

yet she cannot think of a good enough response before something catches her attention.

ksura. bristled like an angered porcupine. something about it endeared her deeply to him. as if she was not already.

let him take over, instruction and warning both for the young healer. she was prepared to learn how to support her own weight for a moment while ksura took his place. she only hoped the young man was wise enough to not ask a million questions about this as well.
Ghost Talker
River Walker
173 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He struggled to hide his irritation at the intrusion of the other, but kept his mouth shut. "I can go then?" He grunted, furrowing his brow.

He had no intention of sticking around if he was not needed, particularly when another was so rudely baring teeth at him.

What he wanted was to rest his legs and shut his eyes - just for a short time.
Please read my player preferences here!
Kekoa suffers with psychosis due to a consistent usage of hallucinogens'. Not everything he is described seeing, hearing, etc. is accurate to reality.
255 Posts
Ooc — Jess
He moved into place as the younger male backed away. His tongue flicked over his lips, which did not yet relax enough to cover his teeth. He couldn't tell if Kekoa was weary, or if he resented the brutish display. He exhaled softly, now that it felt as though he wouldn't be threatened. 

"Who is he, where was he taking you?" He asked Senka quietly, keeping his gaze fixed on the other. If this escort came at the order of Sun Eater, then he would have to abide by the leader's request- but until he had his answers, he felt more comfortable keeping himself between Senka and the stranger.
War Chief*
173 Posts
Ooc — anon
there is a shine of appreciation for the young healer, but she would not apologize. not for wishing ksura nor for ksura's behavior.

her head jutted to gesture off the healer for now.

then it can just be them. tangled in memories that are as comfortable as they are jagged.

a medic. she told ksura with a grin that bordered mischievous. one who maybe does not know everything. yet it was not his medical knowledge she questioned with that statement.

i told him i wished to walk while the medicine was working.
255 Posts
Ooc — Jess
She seemed to doubt Kekoa's skills- and yet, he had given her some sort of medicine, which caused him to frown. Now, he would watch her carefully, for any sign that the inexperienced doctor had given her something that might cause an adverse effect. He felt it was good that Senka wished to move- but worried that she might overdo it. 

I've got you, he reassured her. We'll go get a drink...Relax, afterwards, He said. By then, she might be ready to relax, depending on what kind of medication she had been given. He would see to it that she was tended to, and guarded while the medicine did its work.