Northstar Vale Souvenirs de Toi
Montagne de Ciguë
104 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Viskani soon found herself patrolling her borders once again, marking as she went. Looking out into the field between her own territory and that which belonged to the ridge she could only frown. Not out of sadness or fear, but rather she was wondering, wondering what would become of the two packs.

After a short moment she turned back to the path laid out in front of her. Things had been going well for her own pack as of late; two new members, and women at that. Both seemed to be plenty capable, one could even heal. With Chesley's injury the extra paws would be plenty needed.

Yet even still she worried, imagining the worst. But she could not fail, not after how far they had come. Not after the promise she had made to those back home.
1 Posts
Ooc — yam
A strong breeze ruffles at Mnemosynes auburn coat. He closes his eyes, intaking the comforting scent of air, lush greens, and comfort.

Nowadays he often takes long walks not to hunt, but to discover new areas for him to claim to bed that night, or just because, because he never needed a reason to wander. Belonging to nowhere and nothing but the plants and trees before him. 

He spots a small moat of water glittering in the sunlight, his throat suddenly feels parched. The young wolf prances as soundlessly as he's capable to the river.

Mnemosynes could only wonder of what the journey the world could lead him today. 
Montagne de Ciguë
104 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
The wind carried something new, the scent of another. They did not not smell of the ridge, and that alone brought Viskani some comfort. After a pause, she began to follow the scent - they may not be in her borders, but if they were near then it was only right to defend them.

Tail high she soon spotted a younger male lapping at the creek that flowed through the vale; her vale. One foot in front of the other, she began to make her way towards the boy. "You there - you do not intend to cross our markers, do you?" The question carried some malice, an opening to challenge her. It was a test.

Men were not to take the lead here. She would show him this whether he had breached her borders or not; he was too close.