Northstar Vale The year of the wasp
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Pack Formation 
all welcome <3

Having secured himself a den and planted his sprig of sea lavender, Tousaint established his densite and set out to patrol the borders, knowing Viskani would be away for some time and would want to return to find her claim well maintained. 

He drank cool waters, filling his belly until it was nearly uncomfortable. Then, he made for the borders where the slope began to rise up around the vale, the rising sun warming the cool ash fur of his back. 

He left visible markings on trees, scent markings with urine and rubbed his muzzle on bark. Wisps of fur were shed here and there, deadfall scuffed with his paws. He was nothing if not thorough.
Montagne de Ciguë
35 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
Large paws carried the wolf along the borders of his new home. Irritable from his arrival he had made the choice to walk; to walk until he grew tired of it.

He imagined that his mother would be glad to see him arrive, yet she was too focused on the younger brother whom had been left behind. How annoying!

Lifting his head an unfamiliar figure was spotted ahead of him. Eyes squinted, he attempted to get a better look.
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Tousaint paused as the scent of an unfamiliar wolf caught his attention. He wetted his lips and flicked his tongue across his nose, leaning into a small gust of wind so he could assess whether this was friend or foe- and while he was certain that this scent was new to him, it was not wholly unfamiliar. 

And when he caught sight of the man, he understood why- this was undoubtedly one of Viskani’s progeny, a carbon copy save for the small dark patches that trailed like ivy leaves down his back. 

You must be one of de prodigal sons, He called out, venturing closer. Viskani mentioned she ‘ave more den one son comin’ ‘ere….You must ‘ave just arrived, hmm?
Montagne de Ciguë
35 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
'Prodigal' the stranger had said. Though likely simple charm, it certainly worked on him. Tail beginning to wave he slowed his pace.

His maman had mentioned in passing that another had joined them. "Are you the wolf my maman spoke of?" He asked, offering a smile.

He was curious of this stranger; what talents they may have, how they could be of use, and most importantly whether or not they would be a threat.

There was no better time to assess such a thing.
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
The man’s interest seemed piqued when he was complimented. In a family where genetics were valued, he imagined that competition was fierce among them. He imagined he must be seen as a threat- being the only one in the pack who was biologically diverse enough to contribute to the gene pool, so he knew he should tread carefully alongside Viskani’s sons.

Per’aps, He said. Viskani could have spoken to her sons about anyone. It depend on what she be sayin’ to you, He said, But considerin’ it be only de four of us ‘ere…Den I ‘ope you ‘ave ‘ears only good t’ings, He said with a warm smile.
Montagne de Ciguë
35 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
"If you are Tousaint, then you were only mentioned in passing. Otherwise, not at all." His words came out cruel, but it was only the truth. He only remained still for a moment longer before joining up next to the other. He had more questions, so it made sense to stay together he thought.

Looking over the stranger in a silence that was likely uncomfortable for his companion, he spoke after a moment. "You look well bred. Why are you here?" Or in better words, 'you have a family, why did you abandon them' was what he meant to say.
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
“In passing” was better than being mentioned with a negative tone. After all- he was new still to this familial pack and their ways. Just as strangers were expected to prove themselves before becoming a trusted, ranked member of Sapphique, he assumed the same must be the case here. A neutral remark would have to suffice for now- though secretly he wondered if Viskani might have spoken of him approvingly- and that her son sought to keep Tousaint doubting himself.

I come from a long line of powerful women, He said. Who rule by de sea for many generations…Dey be dere still, grown now to a mot’er pack an’ a sister pack. He stated. De men born into de pack often disperse, to lead full lives elsewhere. He felt no need to mention his wretch of a sister being a thorn in his side. Dere be some similarities, I ‘ave come to understand, between our two families. He knew fully well that Viskani wanted a daughter- and he knew what it was like to be a son.
Montagne de Ciguë
35 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He stared as the other spoke, an unreadable expression painted on his face. "Possibly, though we do not often.. disperse." He responded, feeling some confusion at the mention of such a thing. "Though I suppose that could be why our mother pack grew so crowded."

Chaudry dearly missed his mother pack. He had come because it was what he was told to do; though if another of his brother's had been chosen over him he would not have complained. He missed the busy atmosphere and the presence of his elders, as strict as they were.

He had wondered if his mother may begin to change rules laid out by the mother pack, to become softer towards the wolves of the Teekons and to further spoil her lesser sons. Such an idea left a bad taste in his mouth.
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Overpopulation was not ideal- especially if the population was mostly all linked by their genes. It sounded to Tousaint as though there had been some fundamental issues with the pack’s infrastructure, but it seemed a wise few had chosen to leave. 

Well den, you be de first, per’aps. He said. Groundbreakers, to bring your ways to new lands…And your Mot’er, she chose to bring you wid ‘er. Dat must be an honour, no? He asked.
Montagne de Ciguë
35 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
An honour isn't what he would have called it, no. Chae and Chesley had both been brought because Viskani had worried for them, he feared that he was the same. He loved his brother's of course, but he did not view them as particularly competent individuals. "Maybe, but there are better things." He responded.

"Change is not something I care for. Maman has always had difficulties sticking to tradition." He clicked his tongue, considering his own words. Yes, he knew that change was not necessarily a bad thing, but what would those at home think? Surely they would expect a report eventually.
Montagne de Ciguë
99 Posts
Ooc — Jess
Better things? 

He sensed homesickness. He sensed what he thought was regret, perhaps even a bit of spite. Chaudry did not like change- and perhaps, Tousaint thought, he felt uprooted from a comfortable life and position to chase after his mother’s ambitions. 

The mother-son dynamic grew more interesting by the minute. 

Change can be ‘ard. Validation was important. Be dere any changes dat you be worryin’ about? Traditions you fear dat might be lost?
Montagne de Ciguë
35 Posts
Ooc — Xenon
He shook his head. A stranger did not need to know his worries. "Nothing I won't get over. I'm here now, no sense in regretting what has already happened." He decided, looking to Tousaint now. He would not overshare for the sake of his mother. He had plenty to be angry about, but that was for him to confront on his own.

"You are away from home as well, I'm sure you can understand." It was Tousaint's turn to share now, he decided. It only seemed fair to him.