Ouroboros Spine How charged with punishments the scroll,[m]
932 Posts
Ooc — Soap
He was reminded of their first meeting. That time in the woods were he'd made a stereotype of his gender and mistakenly hit on her not once, but persistently. He'd insulted her then, inappropriately making comments about her gruff appearance and telling her that one day some wolf would find her attractive. He knew now she cared about none of this. In the end it had come down to who was the strongest male that dared claim her.

He'd dared for other reasons. He'd won by hers.

Sin eater.

The word echoed in his mind as he contemplated his current predicament. He was hers and she, his. None of this was what he'd set out for when he'd first entered these wilds, but he'd fallen into it all the same. His mind had fallen prey to instinct as he'd given into basic need and taken her more times than he could count. It was only now that he'd fled their honeymoon suite in efforts to guard her that his head began to clear.

Heavy lies the crown.

He stalked, scenting the air for any hint of further threat against his claim. Heavy paws sounded behind him and he turned, a snarl upon his muzzle up until he realized it was she who neared. His posture visibly relaxed as he stared back into her gaze and drowned once more in the scent of her.

He said nothing.
Messages In This Thread
RE: How charged with punishments the scroll, - by Iqniq - June 05, 2015, 05:34 PM