Ouroboros Spine How charged with punishments the scroll,[m]
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916 Posts
Ooc — Steph
How things had changed. 

Tonravik was not sentimental, and also, could not recall his own words that he did not do pups. In time, he would. 

His feral snarl was met with a dismissive flick of the ears. She could understand. Tonravik would in truth act much the same. The feral bear sidled along side of him, pushing her muzzle into a strong shoulder to attempt to lick at a wound there, tongue sliding through her teeth in a gentle manner she was rarely accustomed to using. But, he had earned a moment of peace for all the chaos he had gone through. His mate would simply be there to share it with him. 

The leader watched him for a moment before looking out into the distance. Neither of them had anticipated this, but Tonravik knew well how life worked. She did not worry, or fret. He was strong. He had proven that. And so their progeny would thrive, and so, too, would anyone beneath them. 
Messages In This Thread
RE: How charged with punishments the scroll, - by Tonravik - June 05, 2015, 11:14 PM