Ouroboros Spine How charged with punishments the scroll,[m]
932 Posts
Ooc — Soap
Their eyes caught for just a second, but no longer. She stepped forward, nosing alongside his shoulder for the wounds Kodiak had left upon his flesh. He winced. They were healing just as well as any could expect, but it was not the ache for which he flinched. It was any touch at all. From her. From this connection they now shared which lowered any and all physical bounds and made him, hers and she, his. It shouldn't have bothered him. He knew this. But this was still new and he was slow to let any wolf in.

A deep breath filled his lungs as he force himself to relax. He nudged her, slipping his nose beneath her muzzle and running along side her cheek. He nosed within the furs of her face and licked gently at her ear. He turned, brushing his fur alongside her own to run his nose beneath her tail. Still ripe. Still ready. The scent was fading, but not yet gone. He'd thought, with all their coupling, it'd pass more quickly. As was, that fire deep within his chest still burned. He'd not allow another near.

He fought the urge to take her again. Instead, he completed his circle around her, blending the scents within their fur so none would mistake their claim upon the other.
Messages In This Thread
RE: How charged with punishments the scroll, - by Iqniq - June 05, 2015, 11:42 PM