Ouroboros Spine How charged with punishments the scroll,[m]
c o n q u e r
916 Posts
Ooc — Steph
Tonravik chuffed as he drew nearer to her. In these times especially, she relished in his touch, any touch. But she knew now it would be his alone, as he kept his guard. Tonravik accepted this, and was even pleased by it. He was doing what his new role required him to do. The leader felt he did it well. As he nosed at her plume, she herself moved it aside, stretching forward; if he wished to, she would let him. They coupled frequently, as frequent as possible. The leader was a mad dog, and perhaps so too was he, in these days. For it, she definitely seemed calmer. Her aggression had all but abated in its totality, and she received all he did in these days well. 

He completed his circle, however, and although she was disappointed for a moment (not minding so terribly being beneath him after all), she was at ease. Tonravik exhaled a warm breath onto the bridge of his muzzle, and mimicked his own action. Mine. It was clearer now more than ever, with her scent upon him and his upon her as it was. There was no questioning it, and already a wolf had learned what it meant and was answered. Tonravik had enjoyed Kodiak; he was a good wolf. But he was a competitor, and the leader knew well it would not end. Iqniq did what was necessary to continue his line, and followed what his blood dictated. As they all did. 

It was a strange thing, to watch who he was becoming. 

But she could not deny it interesting. She favored this transition. And thinking of his strength, seeing his wounds, caused her to reach out and sniff at one, her blood hot again. Her dark eyes look to him, and she draws closer if it were possible. She is not sensitive, and also no healer. Tonravik wonders if he is like her, after battle. None were so serious they oozed and bled profusely, and he was well enough to claim her time and time again. As her tail lashes, there is a suggestion there. 

He had once asked her of their coupling. He once also asked of recreational use of it, whatever that was. It mattered not. In these days, the leader was content to give him his fill and more of it. To ensure their bringing of the future, and pleasure alike. 
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RE: How charged with punishments the scroll, - by Tonravik - June 06, 2015, 12:10 AM