Ouroboros Spine How charged with punishments the scroll,[m]
932 Posts
Ooc — Soap
He watched her and waited. If she could, she'd put thoughts to words, but whatever it was that had fallen upon her suddenly seemed to perplex her greatly. Kerosene watched her for a moment longer, wondering if she would be able to create the words she needed in order to tell him what it was she needed in this moment. She couldn't. A huff and she gave up before pressing forward as if once more on a mission.

She stopped mid-step and shrugged. Whatever had befallen her was gone. She couldn't find it. Perhaps she simply did not know. Something. He hadn't the slightest idea. His mind was narrowed and even he was not thinking so clearly as he had before.

He'd followed along with her and paused when she made room for pause. Lingering, she nosed through his furs once more and stepped back, a look upon her face. He closed this distance, running his tongue along her muzzle as if to wipe the expression from her maw. They were nothing, those wounds. He'd be fine. He'd survived this long and he would survive again. He had so much more to fight for.

A rumble passed through him. Not a growl of throat, but of the stomach. They'd tended some needs, but not others. How could he have forgotten? Kero circled her, moving towards her opposite side and nudged her shoulder as if to suggest she might turn back. To what? More forest? Now it was his turn to pause; his turn to think.
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RE: How charged with punishments the scroll,[m] - by Iqniq - June 08, 2015, 02:44 PM