Ouroboros Spine How charged with punishments the scroll,[m]
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916 Posts
Ooc — Steph
Presently, her work did not matter or effect much of anything within her. All was as it was. She watched him dig, observing muscles flex and claws tear into the earth, displacing rocks and earth from their place of rest until at last, there it was! Tonravik rose again to all fours, and watched as he nosed the thing toward her. The alpha wasted no time in digging in.

Meat was meat to the leader. It was old by some days, but not rotten; they always finished their meat before it could get to this point, each wolf here large enough to take their fill when they wanted. The meat was tough, but she chewed through it, nosing it lightly to invite him to join her. She paused long enough to lick her bloodied chops before she resumed eating.
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RE: How charged with punishments the scroll,[m] - by Tonravik - June 09, 2015, 09:26 AM