The Tangle Lost Puppy
638 Posts
Ooc — ares
 He didn't know how he had gotten here. He had probably blacked out in his thoughts and now he was in some sort of haunted woods. There was a sense of death everywhere he looked. Dead black trees. Fog. The only thing hewas used to was the rocks underneath him. Living at the Silvertip made him get used to all the rocks. But this wasn't the Silvertip. He had decided to wander away in search of a good spar. It always made him happy.

 Ghostly silver eyes scanned the area. There seemed to be another wolf in the distance. He heard him, calling for someone. He trotted over to the wolf to go greet him. "Hi there, stranger. You seem a little lost huh?"
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Messages In This Thread
Lost Puppy - by oliver1 - July 10, 2015, 07:18 PM
RE: Lost Puppy - by RIP Issun - July 11, 2015, 01:01 PM
RE: Lost Puppy - by oliver1 - July 11, 2015, 04:24 PM