Hyperion Tree
She's beauty, she's grace, she will punch you in the face.
68 Posts
Ooc — Mae
Maja trotted through the trees. She was scouting near the cliffs, checking if this was good enough to become pack territory. With the corner of her eyes, she tilted her head, inspecting it. There were birds that left the second she came, but even now, there were a couple left.
  She stepped a little closer, experimentally. One of them stared right back, a small seagull. She growled at the pathetic thing, forcing it away. It stood in the same spot, though the others got the message. She snapped at it, not meaning to get it. That scared the small bird away. She smiled. Haha, I win.
Messages In This Thread
Hyperion Tree - by ThE nArRaToR - November 15, 2015, 03:55 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Sebastian - November 21, 2015, 10:47 AM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Maja - November 21, 2015, 10:08 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Nevouku - November 21, 2015, 10:18 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by RIP Krypton - November 22, 2015, 12:28 AM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Caiaphas - November 22, 2015, 12:55 AM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Sebastian - November 22, 2015, 04:34 AM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Maja - November 23, 2015, 08:20 AM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Nevouku - November 23, 2015, 10:10 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by RIP Krypton - November 24, 2015, 01:31 AM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Caiaphas - November 25, 2015, 04:40 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Sebastian - November 25, 2015, 04:49 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Maja - November 28, 2015, 12:44 PM
RE: Hyperion Tree - by Nevouku - November 28, 2015, 11:49 PM