Fishblight Mire guess who's back, back again
256 Posts
Ooc — summer
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Autumn grimaced as she trudged through Fishblight Mire. It was muddy and wet, and she could swear it smelled like sickness or something rotting. "Looks like things just got more disgusting after I left." She muttered to herself. She thought back to when she had left several months ago. At first she had just sunk into her pity for herself, heartbroken over Kesik. After months away from the Wilds she was over him completely. She didn't dislike him, but his dissapearance no longer bugged her. It was a short-lived and fun relationship, but she didn't care for it anymore. She had had some fun times outside the Wilds, met a few animals, but it wasn't nearly as busy as the Wilds themselves. Autumn realized that she would have to catch up with all the events that took place when she left. She had no idea about anything that had gone on here. She really wished she had a way to pinch her nose to block of the unclean rotting/mud smell. She wasn't sure she would make it to the end of this place with that stench filling her nostrils. Her paws were muddy, the rotting smell was settling into her fur, but Autumn was ready to re-enter these big and busy Wilds.
Messages In This Thread
guess who's back, back again - by Autumn - November 25, 2015, 11:19 PM
RE: guess who's back, back again - by Regipre - November 25, 2015, 11:51 PM
RE: guess who's back, back again - by Autumn - December 05, 2015, 11:21 PM
RE: guess who's back, back again - by Regipre - December 10, 2015, 03:07 PM