Porcupine Ridge Dripping like a saturated sunrise
i know you're trying to fight when you feel like flying
184 Posts
Ooc — Chelsie
As the sun disappeared behind a shroud of clouds and a light snow began its slow descent over the mountain range, the tawny wolf struck out from the forest, where he'd been napping. The temperature was beginning to drop and the wind was picking up, but this didn't deter the Gamma, whose thick winter coat kept him safe from the elements. He was of a mind to explore the valley sprawling out from the ridge's base, and that was where he headed, parallel to the borders until he could find a safe location to descend.

The ridge was craggy and dangerous this close to the valley, and so Farstep never found a safe place to pick his way down, for on his way he came across Kesan. He had yet to meet the Beta female of the pack, but her scent was unmistakeable. As the only other female, her scent was nearly as distinct as Capriccio's, although the Alpha female's was definitely stronger by virtue of both longevity and diligence. He couldn't have mistaken her for a trespasser if he tried.

So he approached deferentially, but with less vigour than he would've shown had it been Capriccio or Taggarik. They were the lead male and female, after all. The Betas were more like advisors, and so Farstep pushed his ears to the sides and slightly back and lowered his head, but his tail did not fully droop. It curled upward at the tip in spite of its full-bodied wag and was not pressed fully against his backside. He approached cautiously, unsure of her personality, but his submission was less severe than would've been expected had Kesan been the Alpha female. An acknowledgement of their ranks respective to one another was what he aimed for, and Kesan was not so high above him that he needed to pull his tail against his hindquarters or fully lay back his ears.

Nevertheless, he whined a submissive greeting and licked at the air between them.
Messages In This Thread
Dripping like a saturated sunrise - by Kesan - January 06, 2016, 07:32 PM
RE: Dripping like a saturated sunrise - by Farstep - January 07, 2016, 09:47 PM
RE: Dripping like a saturated sunrise - by Kesan - January 10, 2016, 07:55 PM
RE: Dripping like a saturated sunrise - by Farstep - January 10, 2016, 08:07 PM
RE: Dripping like a saturated sunrise - by Kesan - January 10, 2016, 09:43 PM
RE: Dripping like a saturated sunrise - by Farstep - January 17, 2016, 11:00 AM