Hushed Willows Shaking hands with the dark parts of my thoughts
Though she be old, she is fearless.
185 Posts
Ooc — Raven Marie
Nova had in no way meant to judge the female, she'd only been worried for Tamborine, but she could tell that was how the stormy female felt. The alpha lashed out, and Nova visibly flinched. She'd done nothing wrong other than take him, even Octavia couldn't deny he was okay, and her ghostly eyes reflected her pain. This was the SECOND time Tavi seemed to deem her as useless, and had she not been the alpha the female likely wouldn't have held back the bitter comments running though her mind. The elder tried speaking, calmly, to Tavi, but she was stepping on her tail and legs now, hidden in her thick golden and cream fur.
      "Tavi-I don't mind, really. Ow... Hes fine, just, ow!"
She was actually TRYING to get up, but between making sure the pup didnt fall or get hurt and trying to avoid getting stepped on was taking up her attention. Tavi tried taking him, but flinched back as if he'd tasted bad or something. When she finally backed off, Nova gazed up at her with a throughly confused look wrote on her face.
                   "Octavia, I'm not keeping him hostage, you can take him anytime. I don't mind helping if you need it, that's sort of my job here...."
The elder sighed, turning her face away and waiting for the alphas reaction with obvious sense of betrayal. Warbone said they would be like a family, but so far only a few seemed to want such a thing. She wouldn't get up and leave the pup to the cold stone floor, but she was leaning herself away from him to make it obvious that he was open for the taking.
Messages In This Thread
RE: Shaking hands with the dark parts of my thoughts - by Nova Rose - May 03, 2016, 06:50 PM