Blacktail Deer Plateau turning the world back on itself
incautious red wrecking ball amwelles · amwelles
2,111 Posts
Ooc — aerinne
Fox screwed her face up at him, for a moment unable to comprehend what he was talking about. “Tortuga?” she asked, her brow furrowed in confusion. “No, they haven’t been back. It’s The Sunspire. They settled too close, Perry. I tried to talk to them, but they didn't listen. And then I was just screwing around. I fucked it up real bad. I never meant for...” Magpie and Leaf were supposed to run at the first sign of trouble. But they hadn't. They'd lingered too long, and too many of The Sunspire's wolves had shown up. They'd swarmed them, and Fox had fled to save her own ass.

“Can I stay here? Just for a little while?” she asked. The thought was absurd, but she couldn't go back to the creek right now. She wasn't even sure if she could ever go back. Whatever claim she'd had to it felt as if it had been taken from her. Perhaps it had been taken the moment she had deserted Mags and Leaf, but it had only been when she awoke next to the dead body of Haunter that she had realized the truth in it. Maybe she could hide away at the plateau with Perry and never go back. Just stay here and drown in her own gloom and self-loathing.
Pregnancy timeline (RHC members only)
Messages In This Thread
turning the world back on itself - by RIP Fox - July 19, 2014, 03:22 PM
RE: turning the world back on itself - by RIP Fox - July 19, 2014, 03:50 PM
RE: turning the world back on itself - by RIP Fox - July 19, 2014, 04:09 PM
RE: turning the world back on itself - by RIP Fox - July 19, 2014, 04:46 PM
RE: turning the world back on itself - by RIP Fox - July 19, 2014, 05:11 PM
RE: turning the world back on itself - by RIP Fox - July 20, 2014, 02:39 PM