Neverwinter Forest Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you
<small><b>AVATAR BY EMALEE.</b></small>
121 Posts
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Turquoise didn't know what to expect—whether the walk would leave her feeling tired and weak or invigorate her instead—so she appreciated Rivet's slow, even pace. It turned out that it really did feel good to get some fresh air and sunlight. With that said, she was glad the cache wasn't too far away, as she didn't want to push herself too much.

When they arrived, Turq sat down while Rivet insisted upon waiting on her hand and foot. "Thanks, love," she said when Rivet brought her a whole dead rabbit. It made her think of Dany and she frowned gently as she began to nibble on the meat.

After quietly eating for a few moments, literally and figuratively chewing things over, Turq decided she should bring up the whole issue of Dany. She didn't want the Rho coming around and mouthing off about her to Rivet. She didn't want Dany coming around, period, but seeing as Dany was part of this pack, Turquoise couldn't control that.

"I need to tell you something," she announced. "I don't know if you've met her but there's this girl, Dany, living here." She paused, debating on how much to tell Rivet. When she looked into her wife's eyes, Turq decided to come totally clean. She wouldn't keep secrets from her. "I flirted with her once—she's the one that confused me about being monogamous—but I want you to know that I have zero interest in her. I mean that, Rivet."

After pausing to make sure Rivet understood her sincerely, Turquoise continued. "When I saw her the other day and told her I intended to ask you to be my mate and that flirting was out of bounds, she went totally ape shit for no reason I can fathom. We barely know each other but she seemed to take the news very personally for some reason." She paused. "She was only right about one thing: that I don't deserve you. I know I don't. I know I've treated you badly in the past. And yet you have me just as I am," Turq finished, both humbly and admiringly.
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RE: Either you're coming with me or I'm coming with you - by Turquoise - October 11, 2013, 01:42 PM