The Heartwood I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line
390 Posts
Ooc — Vami
Maybe @Belharra if you'd like to pop in later too?

South is where she had went. 

Vallkyrie had a means of sticking to the northern regions for hunting, keeping it the open lands between her forest ghome and the Weald. It had been quite some time since she had wandered south but she was not out for a hunt this time. No, she was scouting now for information. It was known to many that some rather nasty wolves were wandering about and if Kyr was lucky she might have a means of tracking them and finding their hideout. 

To the Heartwood she moved, thinking perhaps it would be likely that basterds like the ones attacking kids may be more likely to hang in a dead place like this. She had sung out to @Belharra in hopes she might have a traveling buddy. After all, it was insisted that they travel in pairs from all this. She didnt find anyone, not yet, though a familiar scent was on the breeze...
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RE: I came to stake my claim like a canine waitin' in a buffet line - by Vallkyrie - March 20, 2020, 02:01 PM