Coconut Grove sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last
always in this twilight
315 Posts
Ooc — Jem
damn this makes my heart happy

she pulls desperately at the final moments of assured bliss to slink past in the tense silence after her tossed words, holding them tight in case such a revelation caused him to pull away and this would be but a wistful memory to recall when times were hard. she could not bring herself to look upon him once her eyes had been captured by the writhe of gossamer stardust sprinkled atop waters of tenebrous depth, focusing wholly on that despite the desire to seek the lines of his face for a hint as to what reeled through his mind. the stutter to stumble from his lips evoked a tremble of her heart's own song as it fidgeted within the confines of her rapidly shifting chest. she no longer doubted that there was a level of fondness shared between them both but 'love', that was a word of terrible weight; a challenge ultimately more terrifying than a duel to the death. she does not speak, statuesque as the shadows stroked tenderly at ivory curves whilst the shaded depths of her own gaze blinked sharply upon the waves; some seeming to frolic and dance whilst others writhed and hissed. were there layers to the ocean or was it one? perhaps it was not simply a hungering beast but an organism of many entities, all just trying to coexist with what they're given. not too different from them if so. 

a delicate stir behind her draws ears back, tentative as small breaths stir the cool air and eyes slip closed as he takes the pen. completely in control now, it is up to him how this chapter of her life proceeds and that is quite the terrifying realisation, that another being could have such power with the swipe of their tongue. yet when he speaks, it is as if the motion of that tongue to release those words ran up her entire spine with the heated shiver to stroke velveteen fingers across her entire being, electrified sparks bursting free at the contact as his chin touched to her shoulder. a sharp breath hitches free, body jerking at the motion as eyes fly open to take in the extent of a world in which she could frolic and pirouette with an entity as ethereal as love herself. 

of course, this is not a fairy tale and so the stars do not depart from their inky home to dance and celebrate, the sea does not sing sweet symphonies that is echoed by the sigh of rustling leaves and creaking branches. but an inner light that has sparked to life within the warrior paints it for her, they are kissed by the moon so that they too glow like the celestial bodies smiling down on them. love, the world would celebrate such an ancient power; for without it this would be but a barren wasteland. the world was clearly a magpie for beauty hence the alluring assets she used to woo her guests and it was love that made this true. she is quiet for a while, savouring the sweet delicacy of such a moment as nature embraced them in its gentle lullaby of rustles and buzzes, of the sea crashing against their world and sending her intoxicating air forth to spread tendrils of euphoria within their lungs.

things were....things were perfect.

it is almost ruefully that she pulls away from him only so that she can turn to stare steadily into that beautiful face. from the glow of the honeyed orb, surrounded by unblemished snow kissed hairs to the devastatingly enthralling art painted upon the rest of his features. the scars that spoke of life and emotion, that made up who he was. it was rosencrantz and that was all she needed. "i was once a being of fire and destruction, forged into an iron blade of indifference...since then i have become a restless bird with no place in this world, to a desolate shell with no sense of purpose...with you i am something new entirely. i could not find the right words to describe it...which is why at first i feared that it was not true but i realised...the fear, the confusion, the hurt, the happiness..the love. with you i am completely human and that, that is all i've ever wanted. you make me feel everything, and that is a beautiful gift.and an unabashed step forth would guide her into a tender embrace with the man if he wished it, body at peace as content settled serenely within her soul.

no this was not a fairy tale, but the world had smiled upon these soldiers tonight and granted them a happy ending to at least this chapter of their lives.
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RE: sitting in the back seat smoking a cigarette you thought was gonna be your last - by Tundra - June 09, 2020, 01:01 PM