Northstar Vale Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
It was quiet, even from within. Maybe it was a bad time... or the little family was out and about as her parents had taken her and her siblings before. A frown threatened to spread as the young princess tilted her head debating her options before glancing around to ensure one of her said family members weren't around to whisk her away. It was then that darkening blue eyes landed on the grey girl.

For just a moment, Hotaru froze caught in the act of waiting and once again unsure what to do. The other was rigid and the pale girl couldn't tell if she might flee or attack. Ears pressed back against her skull as she shrunk into herself, careful not to meet her eyes for too long. Should she say something? Would that only make it worse? What if she did run? Was that really the worse option when compared to her fangs? Hotaru didn't want to fight her, H-Hi The words barely squeaked out of the girl as she sat and waited for any form of response.
#DDA0DD speech, #66cc00 singing, pawprint, Hotaru's Playlist  4/5* 4/5*, * = incomplete threads
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RE: Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North." - by Hotaru - July 21, 2020, 11:54 PM