Ocean's Breath Plateau won't give pause until the blood is flowing
129 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
"Oh. Yeah" she grins, though it seems almost cracked. Her tail sways easily enough though "yeah, you can. Just gotta know how to swim." A breathless laugh escaped her, realizing that if the man didn't see the ocean before... well, it didn't matter if he could swim or not. Swimming in a lake or river was totally different than a raging ocean.

She moved forward toward the waters, craning her neck to the surface. A gust of wind billowed her fur but she hardly noticed because a wave came crashing in front of her. Wren smirked, blinking the droplets from her gaze. "Usually it's better to find a rock and fish from it, but it's really fun to just take a leap and jump in!" The woman glanced over her shoulder, amusement sparkling in her eyes.
Messages In This Thread
won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Lovecraft - November 26, 2020, 08:06 PM
RE: won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Wren Baines - November 28, 2020, 05:51 PM