Ocean's Breath Plateau won't give pause until the blood is flowing
129 Posts
Ooc — Lackadaisy
He assured her he'd be careful, causing the brunette to nod. She believed him, because she chose to. It would do no good to fret over someone she just met - even if she did sometimes. It was just in her nature. Her lean shoulders would roll, though, at his question. "Anywhere and everywhere" the woman replied honestly "a vagabond like me needs to see the world, meet new folks... try to find a place to belong. The usual bullshit." She chuckles.

Unknown in the coming days she'd approach a pack. Not with intention to join, but to go as far from the ocean as she could. The ocean carried memories of an old life. She wanted to not so much forget it but... push it aside. At least for now. Try to move on. She owed herself that. "Why?" Wren had an inkling as to that, but she waited to see why he'd ask such a thing. Her head tilted to the side and waited his explanation. The fish lay discarded and forgotten about, easily swept back to the waves. They cascaded around her thin legs briefly before heading back to sea.
Messages In This Thread
won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Lovecraft - November 26, 2020, 08:06 PM
RE: won't give pause until the blood is flowing - by Wren Baines - November 29, 2020, 07:14 PM