Duskfire Glacier while centuries fall apart
stars cannot shine without darkness
469 Posts
Ooc — Mai
Welcome to the world @Arius@Makatza & @Ensio! Tzila's den is dug off the main chamber, on the opposite side of Lane's. Note that only @Wintersbane and @Rye will be allowed inside the den first. @Lane@Imaq@Iana
That day, Tzila awoke to bright, sunny skies and the warm air of summer. Thanks to the northern location of the glacier and the constant presence of the massive ice sheet itself, the heat was tolerable. Not nearly as oppressive or stuffy as it would have been deeper in the woodlands. She was in a pleasant mood, sunning herself on a warm slab of granite rock close to the mouth of the caverns. Her belly was huge these days. Knowing that the pups could come anytime now, she didn't dare stray far. Besides, she had other reasons for wanting to keep close to her personal denning space.
Last year, she sought out isolation at the very end. This time, it was different. With Lane having recently given birth, and being a first time mother, she instinctively was inclined to stay close by. She liked the younger female and almost felt a sense of older sister protectiveness over her. She wanted Lane to know without any doubt, that she was there for her. Wintersbane had sired her pups too, after all. She was more than willing offer her own assistance where she could. And then there was Imaq, who was also expecting. She wasn't certain if the cur would decide to claim a den within the walls of the communal one, but she was happy for her nonetheless. Another pack member she cared greatly for. Though less time had been spent with her one on one, regrettably, Iana was another figure whom Tzila always welcomed warmly as well. The Beta's skills in the medicinal field could go far when it came to expecting mothers, especially when the big day came.
That day, her body decided, was today. She had gotten up to relieve herself, stretch her legs and then try for the hundredth time to find a position in which agreed with her. No matter what she did, what she tried, she just could not get comfortable! And those pups! They were wriggling, kicking and squirming non-stop. Didn't they ever give it a rest?! She couldn't complain, couldn't bring herself to be grumpy. Active, lively pups meant healthy pups. Fine. Everything was fine. She breathed out, forcing her nerves to settle. Again.
On her way back to her spot in the sun, what felt like a pinch made her pause. She shook it off and began to move forwards again, only to be stopped by a more insistent cramping. A rush of emotions rose up in her chest. Deciding better to be safe than sorry, she made a beeline for the entrance of the caverns, moving quickly. By the time she had made it inside, the pain had soared. It was crippling, making her double over in agony. It hadn't been nearly this bad before! But didn't they say that no two pregnancy's were ever alike? Letting out pained cries and grunts, she hurriedly entered her personal den. It was deep, spacious enough for two large wolves to stretch out comfortably, with room to spare. She collapsed onto her side, silver optics flashing harshly to the light at the entrance in warning to anyone who came too close. Her labor had begun.
On throughout the day and into the twilight hours, Tzila endured labor. By the time the sun had dipped, kissing the sky purple and pink, @Arius had been welcomed into the world. Large for his size, squirming as she broke the sac free, cleaning him off in earnest. A boy! And so, so beautiful, painted dusky silver with obsidian just barely breaking through. She sobbed, tears streaking down her cheeks. Gently placing him at her belly, Tzila was afforded little time until another contraction hit and she pressed down again. The second newborn came easier than the first. Still wrapped in the sac, which she quickly opened, she could already this one was much darker in contrast to her firstborn. Tzila was overjoyed to see that it was a girl. A girl! She had a daughter! @Maktaza was cleaned off lovingly, nudged tenderly in place alongside her brother. She wondered how many more there were, or if she was done. An hour later, and she had her answer. She bore down, pushing again and again. Another large pup. Finally, @Ensio slipped free, screaming. She guided the pale child between her paws, marveling at the stark paleness of his dirty white coat. Again, she repeated the same process she had with the other two, and assisted him in finding his place at her stomach. Elated but exhausted, Tzila curled up around her newborns, fighting to keep blissful rest at bay.
Messages In This Thread
while centuries fall apart - by RIP Tzila - June 28, 2021, 10:43 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Arius - June 28, 2021, 10:56 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Makatza - June 29, 2021, 10:42 AM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Ensio - June 29, 2021, 11:10 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by RIP Wintersbane - June 30, 2021, 06:22 AM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Rye - June 30, 2021, 10:59 AM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Lane - July 01, 2021, 12:09 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by RIP Tzila - July 01, 2021, 08:59 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Wayfarer - July 02, 2021, 11:19 AM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Arius - July 02, 2021, 12:27 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Veteran - July 03, 2021, 01:07 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Imaq - July 08, 2021, 10:06 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Rye - July 20, 2021, 03:43 PM
RE: while centuries fall apart - by Lane - July 25, 2021, 01:56 PM