Totoka River sleepless
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
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@Prophet or @Avicus maybe ?! Or else anyone else within the Rise!

New Snow felt she slowed the group down with her limp. Her man, Mountain Boulder, kept pace with her, and none of the Rise seemed vexed with their progress. Now more than ever these wolves each felt like family to her.

The Clawan could not yet hunt well. Though she tried, she only aggravated the injury and learned for herself that in these days, less was more. When they paused at Totoka River, she watched her mate set off to hunt something though did not watch for long to see if another would join him. New Snow instead pondered if she might be more successful these days fishing, or if this would irritate the injury, too.

So she limped toward the river, slowly.
Messages In This Thread
sleepless - by New Snow - January 19, 2023, 04:14 PM
RE: sleepless - by New Snow - January 31, 2023, 05:04 PM