Phoenix Maplewood this feelings just begun [m]
331 Posts
Ooc — ???

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@augur Just chucking this up, since I am not certain a backdated thread would be allowed past breeding season date! Let me know if any adjustments are necessary (territory included!). As of this thread, estrus has begun!

There was an ebb and flow to this ancient dance that had not yet begun in full. First it was him to lead the way, and soon she was the one who wanted to be pursued. At no point, yet, was he permitted to linger for too long near her hips; the area smarted, but as the hours passed, a new feeling gripped her. Though the sun had yet to rise, she felt the heat of its core begin to pulse within her.

She had been ahead, only just out of reach of the mountain of a man. Sunday curved around one of the many evergreens within the Maplewood, doing what she ought not to do during such a game and looking back to find him with a wave of her tail.
711 Posts
Ooc — ebony
i didn't get a chance to get to it yesterday and was worried about that so thank u!

eventually he would return to. buffalo hunter. she was suitable as a mate, something he had not considered before her.

but for now he belonged to new snow. she danced ahead. she parried his advances, and so he made no true ones. 

his yellow eyes were on her now. he rumbled lowly and stepped up beside her shoulder. her scent had changed. slowly he sought to press his muzzle against her withers.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
thank you for the fun plot opportunity!

She danced forward now, Taiga snow kicking upward and she lapped at it as she moved, finding it cooling but not at all the sort of thing that could smother this newfound heat within her. He drew nearer, too, and was soon at her withers; she loosed a whine and turned to nibble at his cheek and press her nose against his own muzzle, part of his buried in the coarse, dirt-laden furs of her shoulders. Sunday Morning felt no shame for that, because she was a wild thing.

He himself with his large, broad paws and his strong appearing physique looked all the more desirable while he flirted. He smelled in good health, and they were of similar ages from what she could note. The singular difference between them that she could note with her nose was that she was a dispersal, where he may belong to a pack.

The consequences of all of this she did not think of then. In him, Sunday imagined she had found a partner, unaware that there may be any other. In this moment, Sunday wondered if this was how her own mother found her father... and her grandmother before them. She felt warm, so warm, and his touch set tinder of her flame ablaze. Another whine as she turned to nibble at his own furs in an effort to preen, tail swaying all the while.
711 Posts
Ooc — ebony

augur was patient.

when she was hungry he hunted.

when she wanted distance he gave it.

he found new snow to be prolific with her rewards. she was hale and vibrant. he crooned to her, serenaded her. augur crowded closer, chasing kisses along her muzzle.

in time he tested new snow, placing a strong but wary forearm along her hips again.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
There was not a moment where she went without. She saw his capability, and thought, provider. In these hours together, Sunday Morning saw his endurance, and his strength. She could provide, too. She would. His croons were answered in whines and nibbles. Any knot spotted was quickly undone with gentle teeth. His song was one that her bloodstream answered to, and when his foreleg was placed over her hips she did not chase him away with teeth.

Though there was an uncertain flicking of her ear, as Sunday looked to him now there was an ample amount of trust in her heated gaze. The fire within her raged, and his closeness tempered her; it seemed mountain stone might be the one capable of suffocating it, providing her with relief.

It was not water she needed, as she had thought, but him; Sunday mornings eyes remained upon him, tail swaying and unwittingly fanning the scent she then wore toward him. There was a newfound readiness in her gaze, for whatever might come. Sunday would come to know, now, the reason for his pursuit.
711 Posts
Ooc — ebony
u can do a fade or time skip in ur next post! <3

she trusted him. augur pushed his broad muzzle against the back of her head. new snow yielded. she was unsure but she had chosen well in him. his gigantic frame had taught him to be gentle.

her scent surrounded them. he rumbled against the flesh between her shoulders. he drew her back into the curve of him. but he did not begin.

he enjoyed the way she led him. for all his size augur preferred the leadership of a woman. he growled again, arms tightening around her. but still he showed a final composure, waiting for the next moment.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
time skip!

The experience was unlike anything she ever knew. And in a world where she did not know how many firsts she had left, here she discovered one.

Sunday came to learn there was one singular way to douse this flame, and it was the shape and feel of him. Once they came undone, she circled to linger at his side and press her nose against his shoulder. She felt tireless, but their activity led to a hunger she was more used to than this. Sunday sniffed at the wind, fit closely at his side as she pondered over the fare here. For months, Sunday had been mostly alone... she delighted at the idea of prey bigger than rabbit, vole, or gopher.

There was blood on the wind, though, and now that her own heartbeat and pulse was not drumming in her ears she heard ravensong. Sunday looked back to her (self-proclaimed) man with a tilt of her head, taking a singular step forward to relay her interest in investigating. On top of this, Sunday fret being by her lonesome with this feeling still lingering. Within her mind, the man before her was the only one who was capable of putting out the flame should it return. For she felt it in the pit of her stomach still.
711 Posts
Ooc — ebony
his body was heavy and sated. he had all but forgotten the bruises. new snow seemed satisfied as well. 

ravens wheeled. they cried that they had found something.

any decent wolf would move to investigate. it was what she did, and her insistent movements brought augur up from the ground. he was a hunter. and if tall man did not come back, he would seek to be master of the hunt in the other's stead.

he had proven it many times. he would do so again. augur growled in low tones and brushed his chin over her head. he set off at an easy, seeking trot.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
Sunday Morning was pleased to see his response. It lit the fire in her belly again, but there was a need to move and investigate firstly. Her mind could think of but four things: him, food, water, rest. Where the rest had been there for as long as she could recall, this latest need was new. The hours that she burned, he felt as essential as all the rest. Sunday was not content to merely let him take the lead, though did admire his strong gait for a beat before she loped to his side.

He was taller than her, but she pressed against him lightly as they went so they could move shoulder to shoulder. Her gaze lingered on the sky, where a break within the treetops another raven passed. The cawing grew louder now, and Sunday licked her chops in anticipation of what they might come to find.

You can pick whatever food is there!
711 Posts
Ooc — ebony
each time new snow brushed him, augur's tail swung.

the birds were louder. augur kept his pace. soon a large carcass was revealed to the wolves: a dead bull elk. the hunter sniffed at the cut in its throat. perhaps it had been made by the tine of another antler.

two dozen ravens had risen to the trees. but now they began to return, landing boldly upon the ground. one hopped back onto the carrion and stared defiantly at new snow.

augur ignored them. he settled at the withers of the elk and began to feed.
331 Posts
Ooc — ???
It was not long before they came upon the scene of felled carrion. Augur advanced upon the prey, and Sunday lingered near his hip for a moment, observant. Were no other predators interested in this fare? Where Augur had gone to investigate, so too did Sunday. The blood was cold, but the flesh far from frigid. Perhaps in the last hour or so this may have occurred, then, that no other predators except for themselves had discovered this.

Sunday Morning knew these opportunities came few and far between. As a wolf who had run alone for several months, the eating had not been this fortuitous in all of that time. It was a happy accident (except for the one that had been a victim of this circumstance), and as Sunday arrived at the side of the animal she noted the raven that had landed upon the earth, then brought itself atop the spot she intended to feast upon in something of a challenge.

Ravens were like this sometimes. It was all a part of their game. Sunday appreciated the animals for the fact that they always knew where to find a meal, and had lead her to many. This ones eyes were almost familiar, but she did not think it had come with her all the way from the Far North. Sunday moved to eat as well, causing the bird to bounce backward with a flutter of its wings. But for its troubles, Sunday tore apart some of the gristle for it to peck at when it desired. It was a part of their lifelong trade. Sunday would never forget her gratitude.

As she ate, after a time, she rumbled a contented note to Augur. She peered to him and noted his bloodied lips, and imagined him in  the midst of a hunt himself, and all at once she was thinking of food no more. Her tail moved in slow arcs, him close enough to feel it likely, and she whined playfully as she retreated backward. Her need of him was great, suddenly, and her whistle-note of invitation before she moved to lead the way somewhere close to the food she intended to keep with him (for as long as her heat would last) would let him know as much. Her gaze was for him, and him alone, as she awaited him to join her once more (at least, this day) in the Maplewoods.

Fade here?!