Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining]
per aspera ad astra
520 Posts
Ooc — Ash
Kaskara had risen early that morning, busy making preparations for her journey northward to Duskfire Glacier. She had yet to mention it to Scimitar, but he had been busy these last few days with his new alpha's duties. She wanted to eat breakfast, find her brother, and lay out her plan. Kaskara had been scouting out a rabbit when the howl rose up in the early morning hours, the dew still clinging hopefully to the blades of grass and leaves that she passed as she moved toward the borders.

Part of her duties as a member of the pack was border patrol, though she usually let her brother and the other wardens take care of that. However, Kaskara had heard a hint of familiarity in that howl, a voice that she had not heard in many months. Not daring to believe it, Kas trotted toward the border with a spark of hope within her heart. It wasn't entirely impossible to believe that not only had she found Scimitar far from home, but Saber had come here as well. Who else could have found them, this far from Dal Riata?

The silver-dusted brown wolf emerged from a line of trees and paused, her eyes scanning the grassy knoll on which one of their borders sat, and found the familiar form of a grey agouti wolf standing there. With a wicked grin across her face, Kaskara pelted across the distance, barking and howling happily at him. "Estoc!" she yelled, finally reaching him, and with a bump of her head against his shoulder, greeted him as if they were children. "Estoc, how in the devil have you found us here?" Not that they were hiding, but it was a strange coincidence that now all but one of her siblings were here.
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RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - by Kaskara - October 18, 2014, 10:31 PM