Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining]
16 Posts
Ooc — Avery
Patience had never been one of the male's good traits but it was hammered into him by his father, truthfully he hadn't expected an answer to his call this fast, thinking that he would probably have to wait until the sun had fully risen into the sky for an answer but he was wrong. His ears swiveled forward at the sound of pawsteps before his gaze followed and noticed a familiar form, he did not dare believe his own eyes for he thought it was a daydream. He daydreamed often, but it wasn't. This was real and the agouti gazed at her running towards him with amazement in his golden eyes.

Estoc did not move as his sister ran towards him, too amazed to move his paws as he took in the sight of the brown, silver dusted female, barking and howling happily at him as she approached. Now, the sarcastic troublemaker smile he always used, especially for his sister spread across his face, he tackled her playfully and returned her greeting. "Hey Kas!" he said brightly, nudging her with his nose, a happy gleam in his sun-colored eyes. "Long time no see, eh?"

Truthfully he hadn't seen her for a year? And that was long for a pair of siblings, littermates and he missed her a lot, "I didn't actually mean to well find you, or us whoever that is." a laugh slipped from between his lips. It was good enough to just have Kaskara around, but he didn't know that his older half brothers were here too, except for Falchion. "Missed you too, little sis."
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RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - by Estoc - October 19, 2014, 09:25 AM