Meadowlark Prairie and i'm in the wind; i am going to let it take me where it may
124 Posts
Ooc — Suledin
She'd hardly left Akashingo since joining, and Melody thought that maybe it was time to change that. A renewed sense of confidence took her beyond the Mesa. She drifted along, soaking in the sights and the relative silence of the wilds.

Until the sound of heavy panting at a distance cut through her thoughts. Melody's head tilted in curiosity, and she followed the sound of it right to the man who rested beneath a lone tree. A man with bright blue eyes.

Hi, The priestess greeted, coming a little closer with a shy smile. A burst of bird song sounded from somewhere behind him, and her eyes were drawn briefly toward the source. Pretty, isn't it? Melody commented of the bird's call.
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RE: and i'm in the wind; i am going to let it take me where it may - by Melody - July 15, 2023, 07:35 PM