Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining]
per aspera ad astra
520 Posts
Ooc — Ash
"Scimitar is alpha here," she began to explain, though only moments after the wolf in question arrived. With a grin, Kas returned Scim's nudge and grinned foolishly at her littermate, glad that they were once more together. Falchion was the only one missing, and like Scimitar, she hoped he had stayed with their mother.

"Saber is here too," she explained further. Though she had yet to see her brother, she knew that he was here as well. They'd have to hunt soon, together as a family once more, though they would always be missing their mother and Falchion. Scim had lived without his father, though Kaskara missed hers daily. Marcus had been tough, but not cruel, and his teachings had served her well so far. "How've you been, brother?"
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RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - by Kaskara - October 27, 2014, 05:58 AM