Swiftcurrent Creek I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining]
16 Posts
Ooc — Avery
"Scimitar is alpha here," said his sister and moments later, he arrived. They had both grown quite a bit since he had last saw them, he didn't know if it was a good thing or not. Scimitar into a broad and muscular man and his sister, also into a strong female. She was no longer the tiny, whiny, competitive Juvenile he sparred and tumbled with daily at Dal Riata. The greyscale male grinned at his older brother, bright sun colored eyes lighting up as he made to tackle his older brother. "Nice to see you too, big brother." he said happily.

It wasn't long before Kaskara explained that Saber was here too, only Falchion was missing from the party, he too hoped that his other half brother would not leave his mother's side. He missed both his mother, his other half brother who was hopefully still with mother, and his father. Marcus was a good father, he had been tough with his children but had taught them well. He hadn't been brutal or cruel to them in any way and sometimes, Es wished he was here to offer him some advice. "Been pretty good so far, never got caught, a good adventurous life, haven't found any ladies though." he smirked at the last part. The ashen wolf only appeared like this to close friends and family, other wolves would see him to be a cold and aloof male.

"How was father when you last saw him, sis? You left after I did." Estoc asked his sister, wondering how Dal Riata was faring when Kas had left. Then he turned immediately to Scimitar, "So you're Alpha huh? I'm interested to see how you lead, brother." he said in a playful manner.
Messages In This Thread
RE: I am as constant as the northern star [IC Joining] - by Estoc - October 27, 2014, 08:57 AM